PyGate as LoRa node
I´m quite a beginner with the Pycom products and wonder if there is a possibility to missuse the Pygate as a LoRaWan node (TTN end device)?
@Yusuf-BAYLAV let’s note for clarification that the Pygate version of the firmware of the LoPY or FiPy does not include support for LoRa end-device operations. So one would need to use the “regular” version of the firmware with no support for the Pygate.
The Pygate itself has no computing capabilities. It needs to be attached to a Development Module, LoPy for example. If you attach a LoPy to the Pygate, you can of course configure the LoPy as a LoRaWan node. In that case you would not be using the Pygate as a LoRa gateway, instead you would be using it as a shield just like an Expansion Board.