Forum banning and more..

  • Will be good to have possibility:

    1. I can mark some user as banned (for me) and i do not see any new topics created by this user
    2. Marking post as readed without need to click on it and view it as whole (mark it on list of unreaded posts)
      this is comparable to outlook - you see title and do not need to view whole email.
      We see some spam message(e.g. @cluiz2371) on forum and for security reason i do not need to go into message as whole.
    3. downvote message on list unreaded messages.
    4. Auto-ban user after reach e.g. -5(-10) reputation points (it must send info to admin to remove ban)

  • @bucknall
    I do not create another topic...
    really little bug - "Forum Guidelines & Rules" are wrongly linked to docs.

  • @livius I'm having a look at the admin tools, we have with the forum - I'd like to see the reputation ban implemented too. These are definitely valid concerns!

  • @bmarkus
    Not really intuitive ;-)
    but thank you for the tip - it work :)

  • @livius said in Forum banning and more..:

    Will be good to have possibility:

    1. Marking post as readed without need to click on it and view it as whole (mark it on list of unreaded posts)

    You can select individual messages, just click on the first circle with poster picture or first letter, than got upper right corner and chose mark selected read.

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