Lopy Sleep
I need to put my lopy to sleep for 6 hours, wake up after this time (send information with lora) and sleep again and then go back to sleep.
Is it possible to do without a RTC ? if not, lopy works with rtc DS3231 ?
@robert-hh Thanks for the advice, i was using the version 1.6.9 and seems the problem was solved on 1.6.10.
@Bajoja Wasn't that fixed in the latest build?
I need to put my LoPy to sleep for 8h, and i'm having same issue, if i put it to sleep more than 30mn it sleep forever.
help :) ?
My lopy sleeps forever after the deepsleep (10000) :)
Do you have an example with RTC ALARM or similar ?
@innovpoint Please check this https://docs.pycom.io/pycom_esp32/library/machine.html?highlight=deepsleep#machine.deepsleep
In case you cannot achieve sleep for 6 hours you may sleep for less and keep a counter on the file system because lopy is starting over the main.py