SiPy reboots during boot process - no control
Your assistance please, team.
In trying to set up my WLAN, I did something I cannot fathom and have now locked myself out of my Sipy. The unit starts booting and then does a dump (see below). No amount of hard reset gets me back to a workable unit - 3v3 to P12 does not help.
Right now I can find no intervention that will get me to a point where I have control. It starts the boot and then goes straight to the dump and reboots.
Please advise how I can do a VERY HARD factory reset back to the starting point.
![0_1492554031221_Capture.JPG](Uploading 100%)
@robert-hh Thank you. I will work on that advice.
@Vercellotti WiFi set-up is usually done in or a script, called by is mostly used to set UART and eventually set another script executed instead of
Besides that, they should behave identical. If they fail in a hard manner, the device will reboot.
Thank you for all your help. It certainly gave me some guidance on the problem, and some new ideas. @Livias, great idea and I will implement such.
The solution was to reflash the unit (I found the Pycom Firmware Updater) which worked well. I then manually ran the Wifi setup script and got back control over wifi.
The problem still exists if I put the same script in the file. It would seem that the bootloader is not completed before is run, and so my wifi set up script is running while still booting (is this possible?). I will introduce a time sleep and see if this makes a difference.
Questions : Does the wifi connection need to be set up through the, or can you flash it more permanently to the unit?
Thanks again and I look forward to further feedback.
@robert-hh said in SiPy reboots during boot process - no control:
you have right, only format command erase it or reflash partitionand because of that i always in development stage do simple trick like
if pin()==1: execfile('')
and same in
if pin()==1: execfile('')
and i set pin to low when i have problem and then it does not execute my files
@Vercellotti If the problem ist the code either in or and whatever you call in there, then reflashing the firmware alone will not help, because that leavse the file system untouched. You have to erase flash first. That can be done with, which is embedded in the pyupdate package, or here:
issue python --help
for the list of command options.
amount of hard reset gets me back to a workable unit - 3v3 to P12 does not help.
as you can see he tried this without success
I blocked my lopy, when I wanted to write on SD card while I was already using one of the SD pins for a UART link. As soon as the Lopy restarts it restarts again in the second and again and again ...
To correct this I use the safeboot mode:
Please advise how I can do a VERY HARD factory reset back to the starting point.
Reflash with firmware updater tool
can you post textual view of core dump?