How to make HTTPS requests

  • Hello, is there a way to make HTTPS requests?
    I have tried many different ways, but even wrapping a SSL socket generated errors. I am really confused right now.. I have LoPy with the latest firmware (1.6.13.b1).

  • Does it work reliably if repeated for hundreds of requests? Properly raised exceptions are acceptable in my opinion.

  • I want to share with you the code that worked for me afterall:


    import socket, ssl

    server = ('', 25566)

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #def socket.IPPROTO_TCP
    sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock)
    sslsock.send('GET /ping HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')
    sslsock.close() #automatically closes underlying socket


    import urequests

    url = ''
    resp = urequests.request('GET', url)


    import urequests

    url = ''
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    data = {'email':'', 'password':'password', 'fullName':'My Name'}

    resp = urequests.request('POST', url, json=data, headers=headers)


    I still get OSERROR or EHOSTUNREACH from time to time, especially when I try to make these requests one after another. My guess is that there are some resources that are not freed when closing the socket.

  • I hope that the issue will be fixed soon, however it is fully in hands of Pycom team or maybe something will have to be fixed by Espressif in esp-idf.

    You could try to write your own library which will compile requests and parse responses, however if the issue is caused e.g. by ssl.wrap_socket() you will face similar behavior.

  • Thanks,

    Will these be implemented officially in the near future? What alternatives do I have?
    I guess I could do well with TCP + separate encryption, right?

  • I could do POST over HTTPS using library, however it is unstable/unreliable:

    It works good enough for doing experiments but not for long-running applications.

  • @lebucur SSL should work if the WiPY (LoPy) is the client. The problem with ssl.wrap_socket() arises when the WiPy (LoPy) is the Server Side. Try also to use the lib.

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