Power consumption summary

  • There are several posts here discussing power consumption in various states and ESP32 configurations, but it still not clear to me what I should expect to achieve today using the current API and what I should expect in the near future.

    For the LoPy module, what is the minimum current consumption that can be achieved in run mode?

    On my LoPy module powered directly on the 3.3V rail, with v1.8.6-607 I can achieve 39mA running the following code:

    from network import WLAN
    wlan = WLAN()

    The ESP32 datasheet suggests I can do better; but can that be achieved with today's API? Are there any changes soon that will improve this?

    For the LoPy module, what is the minimum current consumption that can be achieved in deep sleep?
    I'll forgo discussing what is achievable today, but in the next board rev, the following post indicated that deep sleep should get down to 7uA to 10uA, depending on wake sources. Is that specific to the WiPy? The LoPy datasheet notes that WiFi and LoRa together have a standby current of 15uA.


    And can 7uA-10uA be achieved with a GPIO acting as the wakeup source? The ESP32 datasheet indicates that the ULP co-processor used to wake up from deep sleep uses 150uA itself.


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  • You don't need ulp for pin wakeup. You can do much less than 150ua if you sleep inside ulp program.

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