Root causes of high deep sleep current [LoPy1, WiPy2 and SiPy], all the new modules **do not have deepsleep issues**

  • @bucknall My colleague and I have made total of 3 orders ( 7 LoPy development boards in total), but the deep sleep shield didn't come with our orders. May I know where can I order the deep sleep shield? I've contacted the support team, but haven't got any reply from them.

  • @daniel said in Root causes of high deep sleep current:

    @jcaron the reason for the higher current on the Pysense is because the sensors need to be disabled as part of the process of going to deepsleep. We will add that to the official library within the next few days.

    Hi @daniel,

    • is this actually confirmed to be a purely software issue?
    • has there been any progress with the libraries? I've seen a few updates pushed on Monday, but I don't think they're relevant to this issue?

    The other thing I really would like to see is the ability to wake on pins (and the related control of the pins connected to the PIC on the Pysense, which from what I understand will be the only pins which can used for wake up?)



  • @jcaron That is correct, my wording was slightly confusing! If you order any of our devices (WiPy 2.0, LoPy or SiPy) you will automatically be sent a deep sleep shield.

  • @bucknall From what I understood, you will automatically receive a Deep Sleep Shield with any new orders. I know I received shields with the boards I ordered week before last.

  • @chrisi you will need to order a shield - the SiPy can also use the Pytrack/Pysense to sleep as well.

  • If I order another Sipy now will the deep sleep feature be fixed or will I still need a shield?

  • Thanks jmarcelino.

    Does the below earlier comment of yours still apply?

    By the way I found that if I do:

    from network import WLAN
    wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
    power saving is enabled, but if I use this instead it doesn't:

    from network import WLAN
    wlan = WLAN()

  • @jalperin
    This works to turn off WiFi

    import network
    n = network.WLAN()

    Turning off Bluetooth would be similar but for network.Bluetooth() instead.
    However removing Bluetooth doesn't change anything in power consumption at the moment - but also it won't be on or consuming anything unless you had previously initialised Bluetooth() in your code. So it's actually better to do nothing at all for the Bluetooth side.

  • Thank you, @jcaron. Very helpful.

    I have been executing that code, but followed by machine.deepsleep(). I gather that is not necessary. Correct?

    So, lastly, exactly how does one turn off wifi and bluetooth (I've read different methods in this forum)?

  • @jalperin With the Pysense board, you need to:

    This will tell the Pysense to stop the LoPy (including Wi-Fi, BT, LoRa...). It's actually powered off. It will be woken up after the given number of seconds has elapsed. Work is in progress to allow wake up on other conditions (some input going high for instance).

    At the moment, this will bring down power consumption to about 2.5 mA when running from a LiPo battery. Ultimately it should go down to a fraction of that once everything is correctly shut down.

    Note that when the LoPy comes out of deep sleep, it's as if it just rebooted. There are still issues with LoRa keeping state for instance.

    As the firmware turns on Wi-Fi when it starts, it's a good idea to stop it right away if you don't need it during the time the LoPy is awake. Not sure about Bluetooth (I stop it, but I'm not sure that's actually needed).

    Hope that helps.

  • Thank you @jcaron.

    Unfortunately, I remain where I started. I am unsure whether I am shutting down WiFi and Bluetooth (I read various posts), and I am unsure how to properly get both the pysense and lopy to deep sleep.

    Do I understand it correctly that I don't really need the deep sleep shield but I do need new libraries (that will show up in a few days and will hopefully contain examples)? If so, how does one shut off wifi and bluetooth?

    Thanks for your help.

  • @jcaron the reason for the higher current on the Pysense is because the sensors need to be disabled as part of the process of going to deepsleep. We will add that to the official library within the next few days.


  • @jalperin from what I understood, the Pysense (and Pytrack) boards actually incorporate what is present on the deep sleep shields.

    However, there is still a lingering issue on the Pysense (not the Pytrack) which still uses more current than it should in deep sleep, still waiting for a solution for this.

  • I wish to run my lopy on a pysense with the lowest possible current draw from a LiPo battery. I assume I would plug the deep sleep shield in between them. Correct?

    Could someone please summarize in one place all the appropriate actions to turn off everything but awake periodically to take a lux reading and transmit it via lora? Thanks for your help.

  • @bucknall Did the shields arrive? is 13th July and i don´t have news.

  • Hi!
    The PIC10F322 needs programming? If yes, where can I find the code?
    Thank you!

  • @Fred - Is it possible to acknowledge receipt of the request for a shield when it is initially made and then notify us when it is dispatched, as at the moment I have no idea whether my submission was successful, or when I am likely to receive the shields ?!

  • Hello,

    We have received all the surveys filled up to now and everything is going OK. We are targeting mass production of the deep sleep shields in early July and ship shortly afterwards.


  • I've filled the form at (mid April) and still nothing - no email confirmation, order progress and no DS shields.

    @Fred said in Root causes of high deep sleep current:

    Dear All,
    A quick update on this topic to confirm we are currently testing the Pilot Run samples in Eindhoven. All going well and we expect to have shields to ship circa 2 to 3 weeks e.g. 5/6 June. (...)

    @Fred Any news?

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