Acknowledgment giving wrong value

  • I was trying to follow the LoRa Nano-Gateway example in the docs In the gateway code there is ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, device_id, 1, 200)
    lora_sock.send(ack_pkg). So, I should get an acknowledgment on the message sending node. I am not getting the acknowledgment. To debug I used a print statement and printed print(ack) on the node sending the data. Instead of getting 200, print(ack) produces 161. Why does the value of the ack change? I believe this problem is the cause for not receiving the acknowledgment.

  • while (True):
    recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)

    if(len(recv_pkg) > 13):
        recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[12]
        # unpack the message based on protocol definition
        dest_addr,  src_addr, pkg_len, msg = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % recv_pkg_len,  recv_pkg) 
            ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_ACK_FORMAT, src_addr, SRC_ADDR, 1, 200)
                        print("Message lost")

  • while (True):
    recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)

    if(len(recv_pkg) > 13):
        recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[12]
        # unpack the message based on protocol definition
        dest_addr,  src_addr, sink_addr, pkg_len, msg = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % recv_pkg_len,  recv_pkg) 
        # Check whether it is final destination(Sink address) for message
        if(dest_addr==SRC_ADDR and sink_addr == NULL_ADDR):
            print("Src_addr: %s \t Pkg:  %s" %(src_addr,msg))
            ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_ACK_FORMAT, DST_ADDR,  SRC_ADDR,  1, 200)
            waiting_ack = False

  • @livius

    while True:
    pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT %len(msg), DEST_MAC_ADDR,
    SRC_MAC_ADDR, SINK_MAC_ADDR,len(msg), msg)

        waiting_ack = True
            # if a message of the size of acknowledge message is received
            if(len(recv_ack) > 0):
                to_addr,  from_addr , pkg_len, ack = struct.unpack(_LORA_ACK_FORMAT, recv_ack)
                if(to_addr == SRC_MAC_ADDR and from_addr == DEST_MAC_ADDR):
                    if(ack == 200):
                        print("Ack Received from: %s"%DEST_MAC_ADDR)
                        waiting_ack = False
                        print("Message Failed")
                elif(to_addr == SRC_MAC_ADDR and from_addr == SINK_MAC_ADDR):
                    if(ack == 200):
                        waiting_ack = False
                    waiting_ack = False
                    print("Ack Error") 

  • @timeb
    You must show more info, format used for pack and unpack
    Data used for call function arguments
    also data send and what you recived

  • I am focusing on this part which belongs to the Node code as given in the docs. The thing is once recv_ack is unpacked and the following two conditions should be tested for the arrival of an acknowledgment.
    if(device_id == DEVICE_ID):
    if(ack == 200)

    So, in my case I don't receive the acknowledgment and I tried to debug it using print after unpacking then I did print(ack) but the value I get is 161 which is not equal to 200 and then I don't receive the acknowledgment. What could have possibly happened?

    waiting_ack = True
    recv_ack = lora_sock.recv(256)

        if (len(recv_ack) > 0):
            device_id, pkg_len, ack = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, recv_ack)
            if (device_id == DEVICE_ID):
                if (ack == 200):
                    waiting_ack = False
                    # If the uart = machine.UART(0, 115200) and os.dupterm(uart) are set in the this print should appear in the serial port
                    waiting_ack = False
                    # If the uart = machine.UART(0, 115200) and os.dupterm(uart) are set in the this print should appear in the serial port
                    print("Message Failed")

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