ABP keys (nwk_swkey, app_swkey)
After trying OTAA unsuccessfully, I am trying ABP now. I found some example code that uses nwk_swkey and app_swkey, but no explanation on how to get/generate these keys. Also, I am assuming that dev_addr is the same as the OTAA device address?
@jmarcelino One more 'beginners' question: how do I read data back from TTN?
@zappfinger Got it! I moved my device closer to a window and now data arrives at the TTN site. We live in an apartment with several floors above us, so that was probably too big a barrier for the signal...
@jmarcelino Ok, I followed these steps. The application is happily sending data, but nothing gets received on the TTN page...
Also, what frequency should I use for the Netherlands? I have tried 868100000, 868300000 and 868500000.
Go into the Settings tab for your device, change "Activation method" to ABP and everything will become clear :-)Once the fields are generated in the TTN console copy them over to your lora.join(...) call.
@jmarcelino Thanks, but it is not clear to me. For OTAA activation I have these fields on the Things Network:
Activation mode: OTAA Do I have to change this to ABP?
Device EUI, Application EUI : do I have to use any of these in ABP?
Device address: my question was about this field not Device EUI....Can anyone please provide all the steps needed for ABP acivation?
Those keys including dev_addr come from and must match what’s on your Network ServerDev_addr is not the same as Dev EUI.
To relate to WiFi think of Dev EUI as your WiFi adapter MAC address and Dev Addr as your assigned IP.