Updating firmware took a long time
Hi there, i am trying to update my lopy to the latest version and i follow the step in the documentation but the process of firmware download takes me around 15 min and it still not yet finish downloading. What is the problem ? Thank you
@xykon Problem solved after installed the latest version of the firmware update tools
@xykon i am using windows 8.1, 64-bit operating system
@mj Could you please indicate the type and version of your Operating System on the computer you are using to run the firmware updater?
The current version of the Firmware updater is 1.12.0.b0 which you can download here: https://pycom.io/downloads/
@xykon i am using the version of 1.1.2.b1 pycom firmware update
@mj I am assuming you are using the firmware updater? Which type and version of Operating System are you using?
You could also try to follow these steps: https://docs.pycom.io/chapter/advance/downgrade.html even though it mentions downgrade it also works with the latest firmware version.