ImportError: no module named 'MySQLdb'
I use pymakr to connect my LoPy with MySQLdb but there is error ( ImportError: no module named 'MySQLdb' ) what am I suppose to do?
my code is:
import MySQLdbdb = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost
user="root", # your username
passwd="", # your password
db="solarchargermonitoring") # name of the data baseyou must create a Cursor object. It will let
you execute all the queries you need
cur = db.cursor()
Use all the SQL you like
cur.execute("SELECT * from regisperangkat")
print all the first cell of all the rows
for row in cur.fetchall():
I do not know if some "minimal" client exists for micropython. But is it required?
Better run some listen socket on your server. And then your Lopy will send messages to this socket and it connect to jour database and store there data. It can be e.g. windows service apllication, webserver application e.g. on IIS, Apache + php ....
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You probably mismatch things
on Lopy you havemicropython
not fullpython
because hardware resources are too limited.
@fajriansyah you most certainly won’t be running a MySQL server on a LoPy, and I’m not sure there are any scenarios where it would make sense to connect directly to one from a LoPy either. Calling a webservice or sending data over LoRa to a server which would in turn connect to a MySQL database would probably make more sense.
What exactly are you trying to achieve?