First time user: no serial port on Mac?
Atom plugin is saying "found 0 serialports". In terminal on Mac, 'ls /dev/tty.usb' returns nothing. Expansion board software upgrade fails (I think because there's no serial port.) Reboot doesn't help. So this is more of a Mac question but I figured I would ask here since most people having serial port issues on macs are doing microcontroller development, it seems.
i've also installed the FTDI drivers but that's not helping.
finally got it working, had to try three cables i had. i didn't realize the world had so many power-only usb cables, unmarked as such.
@jmarcelino Is there a new expansion board?
Which expansion board do you have ?Should say on the bottom, v2 or v3?
@dws The port only appears when the device is plugged in with a proper cable.
@jmarcelino That didn't change anything.
But shouldn't I see a usbserial entry of some kind upon doing the following?
ls /dev/tty.usb*
I'm not seeing anything. Or does the port only appear when a device is plugged in?
@dws The device file only appears when the serial device is detected.
That’s why it sounds like the USB cable is power only, doesn’t support data
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Hi @dws
Can you try a different microUSB cable? Sounds like you’re using a power only one