Safe boot not working
I've followed the steps from the docs on how to enter safe boot and was able to get this working the first time I did this, but I'm having some difficulty this time around.
I have the latest versions of the firmware (1.17.3.b1), Atom (1.25.1), and Pymakr (1.2.12) and my LoPy is attached to the expansion board correctly (reset button on the same side as USB connector). Pins are also looking firmly in place.
And yet when I connect P12 to 3V3 and press reset, the LED flashes blue like it normally would rather than orange.
Am I completely overlooking something or is my board just screwed?
@robert-hh This worked, thank you!
@obladio instead of pulling P12 up, you could also try to enter Ctrl-F at the REPL prompt. That should also perform a safe boot.
that sounds like the correct procedure, have you tried a jumper cable?