Pymakr under Linux Fedora. Anyone?

  • Hi

    I'm trying to run Pymakr 1.0.0.b7-1 under Fedora 25 but when i try to start it, I always get the following error:

    jnc@enigma ~ $ pymakr
    Python 2.7.12
    Error in sys.excepthook:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/", line 145, in excepthook
        import Utilities
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 62, in <module>
        from PyQt5.Qsci import QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR, QsciScintilla
    ImportError: No module named Qsci
    Original exception was:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/", line 368, in <module>
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/", line 268, in main
        if not Globals.checkBlacklistedVersions():
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Globals/", line 110, in checkBlacklistedVersions
        from PyQt5.Qsci import QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR
    ImportError: No module named Qsci

    I've checked the installed packages, and can't figure out what I'm missing:

    jnc@enigma ~ $ dnf list installed *qsci* *pyqt* *qt*
    Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'Dropbox', disabling.
    Last metadata expiration check: 1:16:54 ago on Mon Nov 28 10:45:27 2016.
    Installed Packages
    PyQt4.x86_64                        4.11.4-15.fc25              @fedora         
    PyQt4.x86_64                        4.11.4-15.fc25              @fedora         
    adwaita-qt-common.noarch            0.4-3.fc25                  @anaconda       
    adwaita-qt4.x86_64                  0.4-3.fc25                  @anaconda       
    adwaita-qt5.x86_64                  0.4-3.fc25                  @anaconda       
    dbusmenu-qt.x86_64                  0.9.3-0.11.20150604.fc24    @koji-override-0
    ibus-qt.x86_64                      1.3.3-11.fc25               @anaconda       
    python-qt5.x86_64                   5.7-1.fc25                  @fedora         
    python-qt5-rpm-macros.noarch        5.7-1.fc25                  @fedora         
    python-qt5-webkit.x86_64            5.7-1.fc25                  @fedora         
    python2-qscintilla.x86_64           2.9.3-1.fc25                @fedora         
    qscintilla.x86_64                   2.9.3-1.fc25                @fedora         
    qt.x86_64                           1:4.8.7-18.fc25             @anaconda       
    qt-common.noarch                    1:4.8.7-18.fc25             @anaconda       
    qt-settings.noarch                  25-2.fc25                   @anaconda       
    qt-x11.x86_64                       1:4.8.7-18.fc25             @anaconda       
    qt3.x86_64                          3.3.8b-68.fc25              @fedora         
    qt5-qtbase.x86_64                   5.7.0-3.fc25                @anaconda       
    qt5-qtbase-common.noarch            5.7.0-3.fc25                @anaconda       
    qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64               5.7.0-3.fc25                @anaconda       
    qt5-qtconnectivity.x86_64           5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64            5.7.0-2.fc25                @anaconda       
    qt5-qtenginio.x86_64                1:1.6.1-2.fc25              @fedora         
    qt5-qtlocation.x86_64               5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtmultimedia.x86_64             5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtsensors.x86_64                5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtserialport.x86_64             5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtsvg.x86_64                    5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qttools-common.noarch           5.7.0-3.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qttools-libs-clucene.x86_64     5.7.0-3.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qttools-libs-designer.x86_64    5.7.0-3.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qttools-libs-help.x86_64        5.7.0-3.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtwebchannel.x86_64             5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtwebkit.x86_64                 5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtwebsockets.x86_64             5.7.0-1.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64              5.7.0-2.fc25                @fedora         
    qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64            5.7.0-2.fc25                @anaconda       
    qt5-srpm-macros.noarch              5.7.0-9.fc25                @fedora         
    sni-qt.x86_64                       0.2.6-7.fc24                @koji-override-0
    wireshark-qt.x86_64                 2.1.1-2.fc25                @fedora  

    Thanks for your help

  • @Avathar Pymakr is discontinued, see this for more info.

  • Any news on this? I'm using antergos (arch based) and have the same problem.

    I don't want to be forced to use windows to program my LoPy ;)

    Are there any other IDEs to use?

    EDIT: i just read the announcment that pymakr is EOL, looking forward to a VScode plugin :D

  • Hi @abilio ,

    I get the same error on fedora25, python-qt5 package is removed. Any idea how to solve?

    BackgroundService listening on: 35079
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 193, in <module>
    File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 178, in run
    'EXCEPTION', '?', [str(exctype), str(excval), tbinfo])
    File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 81, in __send
    File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 228, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
    socket.error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

  • Hello, i use Fedora 25 too and i having the same issue, some prediction to correct the bug?

  • Hi @jnc, btw, can you provide me again with the list of the packages you still have installed in the system that are related to Qt, PyQt and python?

  • @abilio I'm very familiar with the terminal window.

  • Ohh @jnc, I see you went into removing Qt5. I see the dump, and seems its failing early in the start process. Can I ask you how comfortable you are around the terminal window? I have some ideas, but I must confirm with you that you can try them.

  • @jnc, I guess you need Qt5 for another app, so at present time you can use the classic telnet/FTP combination. You can also try Pymakr in Windows/Mac (they are installed in a semi-portable fashion where Python, Qt and PyQt are self-contained in the same directory).

    If you're willing to try Telnet/FTP in the meantime, I can point you to: . We should have Pymakr playing nicely with Qt5 in the upcoming weeks.

  • Hi @abilio

    I'm removed the python-qt5 package (plus a bunch of others that were removed automatically). Now, when I try to start pymakr, I get the following:

    jnc@enigma ~ $ pymakr
    Python 2.7.12
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    Warning: translation file 'qt_en_US'could not be loaded.
    Using default.
    Warning: translation file 'eric6_en_US'could not be loaded.
    Using default.
    Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_en_US'could not be loaded.
    Using default.
    BackgroundService listening on: 36797
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 193, in <module>
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 178, in run
        'EXCEPTION', '?', [str(exctype), str(excval), tbinfo])
      File "/usr/share/pymakr/modules/Utilities/", line 81, in __send
      File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 228, in meth
        return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
    socket.error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

    Any idea?

  • Hi
    Thanks for your prompt reply; so how should I work with my boards?

  • Hi @jnc, I've just seen your dump and list (thanks for providing them), and I'm sorry to tell you that at the present time Pymakr doesn't play nice in *nix with Qt5 installed. It's on our list of bugs to fix. Sorry for the inconvenience, and please stay tuned regarding this.

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