Immediate power-down after successful LTE upload vs. calling lte.disconnect()/dettach()[sic]/deinit()

  • Due to persistent troubles with LTE in Pycom boards detailed here, I am having to use a different and separate microcontroller to do my actual work, and externally power on/off a GPy/FiPy solely for LTE upload only.

    1. After a good upload, the typical lte.disconnect()/lte.dettach()/lte.deinit() sequence takes a solid 5 seconds
    2. It is much more efficient and power-sparing to simply power off the board before this, immediately after successful upload, rather than do the disconnect formalities and then power off the G/FiPy board

    Are there any drawbacks/inefficiencies/dangers with not doing the formal closure before cutting power, but just getting it over with and cutting power to board immediately after successful upload?

  • You'll might have issue attaching to the network again, in which case you'll have to deinit and try re-attaching. Probably won't be an issue unless you save some state to nvram.
    I don't understand the other part fully: Are you using all three commands to deinit the LTE modem? I think you only need lte.deinit() or the other two (although I'm looking for a definite answer to this as we speak).

    What do you estimate to power consumption difference to be? What power consumption/battery life do you need to achieve?

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