GPy with Hologram SIM

  • Ok, I'm back to try to see if things have gotten any better since my last tests.

    I've upgraded the GPy firmware and the modem firmware to the latest stable version.

    I'm trying to run the example CAT-M1 test program from the documentation. I added a few print statements to see what is happening. I have a Hologram SIM.

    It works the first time I run the program. It crashes if I run the program a second time.

    import socket
    import ssl
    import time
    from network import LTE
    print('new LTE')
    lte = LTE()         # instantiate the LTE object
    lte.attach()        # attach the cellular modem to a base station
    while not lte.isattached():
    lte.connect()       # start a data session and obtain an IP address
    while not lte.isconnected():
    print('receiving data')
    s = socket.socket()
    s = ssl.wrap_socket(s)
    s.connect(socket.getaddrinfo('', 443)[0][-1])
    s.send(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")

    Here's the error output on the second run:

    new LTE
    ╝Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 8, in <module>
    OSError: the requested operation failed
    Pycom MicroPython 1.18.1.r1 [v1.8.6-849-b0520f1] on 2018-08-29; GPy with ESP32
    Type "help()" for more information.```

  • @panda

    I added an lte.reset() call at the start and now the program crashes on a blank line the second time it is run. Again it works fine the first time the program is run.



  • You are probably needing to detach and reset the modem at the beginning of your code in order to get stability. The modem runs independant of the processor so the state will survive a board or system reset.

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