GPy and OpenAirInterface
Hi Guys,
I am working on the eNode B part for NB-IOT of OpenAirInterface, would anyone have any experience with having the GPy attach to a private network using OpenAirInterface?
lte = LTE(carrier="standard") lte.attach(band=7) #lte.attach(apn="oai") while not lte.isattached(): time.sleep(0.5) print('Attaching...') print('Attach Successful') lte.connect() while not lte.isconnected(): time.sleep(0.5) print('Connecting...')
Attaching seems to have no success at all.
Appreciate any help. Thanks!
@cmrosero I realize this is an old post but did you ever figure out how to attach Gpy to OAI network?
Hi, I am currently working on development board with ESP32-WROVER and Quectel BC66 NB-IoT module. BC66 module contains MTK2625 modem. Not sure if this might help you somehow.