Porting adafruit TSL2591 micropython to Pycom library
I'm trying to port this code in from Adafruit and not seeing what it's doing to trip up.. I've succeeded in getting several other libraries working, but it seems that each one is written completely differently, so it's not been as simple as tweak a few lines. :(
Now starting user code in main.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 17, in <module> File "/flash/lib/tsl2591.py", line 116, in __init__ File "/flash/lib/tsl2591.py", line 129, in _read_u8 TypeError: can't convert bytearray to int
# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ `adafruit_tsl2591` ==================================================== CircuitPython module for the TSL2591 precision light sensor. See examples/simpletest.py for a demo of the usage. * Author(s): Tony DiCola Implementation Notes -------------------- **Hardware:** * Adafruit `TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor <https://www.adafruit.com/product/1980>`_ (Product ID: 1980) **Software and Dependencies:** * Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/releases * Adafruit's Bus Device library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BusDevice """ from micropython import const #import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device from machine import I2C,Pin #__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0" #__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_TSL2591.git" #pylint: disable=bad-whitespace # Internal constants: _TSL2591_ADDR = const(0x29) _TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT = const(0xA0) _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF = const(0x00) _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON = const(0x01) _TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN = const(0x02) _TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN = const(0x10) _TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN = const(0x80) _TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE = const(0x00) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL = const(0x01) _TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID = const(0x12) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW = const(0x14) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW = const(0x16) _TSL2591_LUX_DF = 408.0 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFB = 1.64 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFC = 0.59 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFD = 0.86 _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS = const(36863) # 0x8FFF _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT = const(65535) # 0xFFFF # User-facing constants: GAIN_LOW = 0x00 # low gain (1x) """Low gain (1x)""" GAIN_MED = 0x10 # medium gain (25x) """Medium gain (25x)""" GAIN_HIGH = 0x20 # medium gain (428x) """High gain (428x)""" GAIN_MAX = 0x30 # max gain (9876x) """Max gain (9876x)""" INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS = 0x00 # 100 millis """100 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS = 0x01 # 200 millis """200 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS = 0x02 # 300 millis """300 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS = 0x03 # 400 millis """400 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS = 0x04 # 500 millis """500 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS = 0x05 # 600 millis """600 millis""" #pylint: enable=bad-whitespace class TSL2591: """TSL2591 high precision light sensor. :param busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus connected to the sensor :param int address: The I2C address of the sensor. If not specified the sensor default will be used. """ # Class-level buffer to reduce memory usage and allocations. # Note this is NOT thread-safe or re-entrant by design. _BUFFER = bytearray(2) def __init__(self, i2c, address=_TSL2591_ADDR): self._integration_time = 0 self._gain = 0 self.i2c=I2C(pins=("P9","P10")) #self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address) # Verify the chip ID. if self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID) != 0x50: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find TSL2591, check wiring!') # Set default gain and integration times. self.gain = GAIN_MED self.integration_time = INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS # Put the device in a powered on state after initialization. self.enable() def _read_u8(self, address): # Read an 8-bit unsigned value from the specified 8-bit address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self.i2c.writeto(self._BUFFER, end=1, stop=False)#line 129 self.i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=1) return self._BUFFER[0] # Disable invalid name check since pylint isn't smart enough to know LE # is an abbreviation for little-endian. #pylint: disable=invalid-name def _read_u16LE(self, address): # Read a 16-bit little-endian unsigned value from the specified 8-bit # address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self.i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=1, stop=False) self.i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=2) return (self._BUFFER[1] << 8) | self._BUFFER[0] #pylint: enable=invalid-name def _write_u8(self, address, val): # Write an 8-bit unsigned value to the specified 8-bit address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to write request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF self.i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2) def enable(self): """Put the device in a fully powered enabled mode.""" self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON | \ _TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN | _TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN | \ _TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN) def disable(self): """Disable the device and go into low power mode.""" self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF) @property def gain(self): """Get and set the gain of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``GAIN_LOW`` (1x) - ``GAIN_MED`` (25x) - ``GAIN_HIGH`` (428x) - ``GAIN_MAX`` (9876x) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00110000 @gain.setter def gain(self, val): assert val in (GAIN_LOW, GAIN_MED, GAIN_HIGH, GAIN_MAX) # Set appropriate gain value. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11001111 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of gain for future lux calculations. self._gain = val @property def integration_time(self): """Get and set the integration time of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS`` (100 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS`` (200 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS`` (300 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS`` (400 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS`` (500 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS`` (600 millis) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00000111 @integration_time.setter def integration_time(self, val): assert 0 <= val <= 5 # Set control bits appropriately. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11111000 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of integration time for future reading delay times. self._integration_time = val @property def raw_luminosity(self): """Read the raw luminosity from the sensor (both IR + visible and IR only channels) and return a 2-tuple of those values. The first value is IR + visible luminosity (channel 0) and the second is the IR only (channel 1). Both values are 16-bit unsigned numbers (0-65535). """ # Read both the luminosity channels. channel_0 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW) channel_1 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW) return (channel_0, channel_1) @property def full_spectrum(self): """Read the full spectrum (IR + visible) light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 @property def infrared(self): """Read the infrared light and return its value as a 16-bit unsigned number. """ _, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return channel_1 @property def visible(self): """Read the visible light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity full = (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 return full - channel_1 @property def lux(self): """Read the sensor and calculate a lux value from both its infrared and visible light channels. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity # Compute the atime in milliseconds atime = 100.0 * self._integration_time + 100.0 # Set the maximum sensor counts based on the integration time (atime) setting if self._integration_time == INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS else: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT # Handle overflow. if channel_0 >= max_counts or channel_1 >= max_counts: raise RuntimeError('Overflow reading light channels!') # Calculate lux using same equation as Arduino library: # https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2591_Library/blob/master/Adafruit_TSL2591.cpp again = 1.0 if self._gain == GAIN_MED: again = 25.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_HIGH: again = 428.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_MAX: again = 9876.0 cpl = (atime * again) / _TSL2591_LUX_DF lux1 = (channel_0 - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFB * channel_1)) / cpl lux2 = ((_TSL2591_LUX_COEFC * channel_0) - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFD * channel_1)) / cpl return max(lux1, lux2)
# Simple demo of the TSL2591 sensor. Will print the detected light value # every second. import time from machine import I2C, Pin #added for tsl2591 sensor #import board #import busio import tsl2591 #i2c = I2C(0, pins=("P9","P10")) # Initialize the I2C bus. i2c = I2C(0,pins=("P9","P10"))#board.SCL, board.SDA) i2c.init(I2C.MASTER, baudrate=9600) # Initialize the sensor. sensor = tsl2591.TSL2591(i2c) # You can optionally change the gain and integration time: #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_LOW (1x gain) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_MED (25x gain, the default) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_HIGH (428x gain) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_MAX (9876x gain) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS (100ms, default) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS (200ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS (300ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS (400ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS (500ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS (600ms) # Read the total lux, IR, and visible light levels and print it every second. while True: # Read and calculate the light level in lux. lux = sensor.lux print('Total light: {0}lux'.format(lux)) # You can also read the raw infrared and visible light levels. # These are unsigned, the higher the number the more light of that type. # There are no units like lux. # Infrared levels range from 0-65535 (16-bit) infrared = sensor.infrared print('Infrared light: {0}'.format(infrared)) # Visible-only levels range from 0-2147483647 (32-bit) visible = sensor.visible print('Visible light: {0}'.format(visible)) # Full spectrum (visible + IR) also range from 0-2147483647 (32-bit) full_spectrum = sensor.full_spectrum print('Full spectrum (IR + visible) light: {0}'.format(full_spectrum)) time.sleep(1.0)
I made those changes and worked thru a few more issues.
I get output the first time thru then it breaks. Still working through that but here's what I've got so far
Serial output:[41, 64] [41, 64] [41, 64] [41, 64] [41, 64] Total light: 55.55328lux [41, 64] [41, 64] Infrared light: 141 [41, 64] [41, 64] Visible light: 9241007 [41, 64] [41, 64] Full spectrum (IR + visible) light: 9241149 [41, 64] [41, 64] Total light: 0.0lux [41, 64] [41, 64] Infrared light: 0 [41, 64] [41, 64] Visible light: 0 [41, 64] [41, 64] Full spectrum (IR + visible) light: 0
the zero outputs repeat the rest of the tries.
tsl2591.py:# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ `adafruit_tsl2591` ==================================================== CircuitPython module for the TSL2591 precision light sensor. See examples/simpletest.py for a demo of the usage. * Author(s): Tony DiCola Implementation Notes -------------------- **Hardware:** * Adafruit `TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor <https://www.adafruit.com/product/1980>`_ (Product ID: 1980) **Software and Dependencies:** * Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/releases * Adafruit's Bus Device library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BusDevice """ from micropython import const #import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device from machine import I2C,Pin #__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0" #__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_TSL2591.git" #pylint: disable=bad-whitespace # Internal constants: _TSL2591_ADDR = const(0x29) _TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT = const(0xA0) _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF = const(0x00) _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON = const(0x01) _TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN = const(0x02) _TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN = const(0x10) _TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN = const(0x80) _TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE = const(0x00) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL = const(0x01) _TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID = const(0x12) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW = const(0x14) _TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW = const(0x16) _TSL2591_LUX_DF = 408.0 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFB = 1.64 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFC = 0.59 _TSL2591_LUX_COEFD = 0.86 _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS = const(36863) # 0x8FFF _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT = const(65535) # 0xFFFF # User-facing constants: GAIN_LOW = 0x00 # low gain (1x) """Low gain (1x)""" GAIN_MED = 0x10 # medium gain (25x) """Medium gain (25x)""" GAIN_HIGH = 0x20 # medium gain (428x) """High gain (428x)""" GAIN_MAX = 0x30 # max gain (9876x) """Max gain (9876x)""" INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS = 0x00 # 100 millis """100 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS = 0x01 # 200 millis """200 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS = 0x02 # 300 millis """300 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS = 0x03 # 400 millis """400 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS = 0x04 # 500 millis """500 millis""" INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS = 0x05 # 600 millis """600 millis""" #pylint: enable=bad-whitespace class TSL2591: """TSL2591 high precision light sensor. :param busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus connected to the sensor :param int address: The I2C address of the sensor. If not specified the sensor default will be used. """ # Class-level buffer to reduce memory usage and allocations. # Note this is NOT thread-safe or re-entrant by design. _BUFFER = bytearray(2) def __init__(self, i2c, address=_TSL2591_ADDR): self._integration_time = 0 self._gain = 0 self.i2c=i2c#I2C(pins=("P9","P10")) self._i2c_address=address #self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address) # Verify the chip ID. if self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID) != 0x50: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find TSL2591, check wiring!') # Set default gain and integration times. self.gain = GAIN_MED self.integration_time = INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS # Put the device in a powered on state after initialization. self.enable() def _read_u8(self, address): # Read an 8-bit unsigned value from the specified 8-bit address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. #self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF # self.i2c.writeto(self._BUFFER, end=1, stop=False) #self.i2c.writeto(_TSL2591_ADDR,self._BUFFER) #self.i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=1) print(self.i2c.scan()) self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._i2c_address,(_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT|address) & 0xFF,self._BUFFER) return self._BUFFER[0] # Disable invalid name check since pylint isn't smart enough to know LE # is an abbreviation for little-endian. #pylint: disable=invalid-name def _read_u16LE(self, address): # Read a 16-bit little-endian unsigned value from the specified 8-bit # address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. #self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF #self.i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=1, stop=False) #self.i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=2) print(self.i2c.scan()) self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._i2c_address,(_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT|address) & 0xFF,self._BUFFER) return (self._BUFFER[1] << 8) | self._BUFFER[0] #pylint: enable=invalid-name def _write_u8(self, address, val): # Write an 8-bit unsigned value to the specified 8-bit address. #with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to write request. #self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF #self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF #self.i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2) self.i2c.writeto_mem(self._i2c_address,(_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF,val & 0xFF) def enable(self): """Put the device in a fully powered enabled mode.""" self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON | \ _TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN | _TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN | \ _TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN) def disable(self): """Disable the device and go into low power mode.""" self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF) @property def gain(self): """Get and set the gain of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``GAIN_LOW`` (1x) - ``GAIN_MED`` (25x) - ``GAIN_HIGH`` (428x) - ``GAIN_MAX`` (9876x) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00110000 @gain.setter def gain(self, val): assert val in (GAIN_LOW, GAIN_MED, GAIN_HIGH, GAIN_MAX) # Set appropriate gain value. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11001111 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of gain for future lux calculations. self._gain = val @property def integration_time(self): """Get and set the integration time of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS`` (100 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS`` (200 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS`` (300 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS`` (400 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS`` (500 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS`` (600 millis) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00000111 @integration_time.setter def integration_time(self, val): assert 0 <= val <= 5 # Set control bits appropriately. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11111000 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of integration time for future reading delay times. self._integration_time = val @property def raw_luminosity(self): """Read the raw luminosity from the sensor (both IR + visible and IR only channels) and return a 2-tuple of those values. The first value is IR + visible luminosity (channel 0) and the second is the IR only (channel 1). Both values are 16-bit unsigned numbers (0-65535). """ # Read both the luminosity channels. channel_0 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW) channel_1 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW) return (channel_0, channel_1) @property def full_spectrum(self): """Read the full spectrum (IR + visible) light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 @property def infrared(self): """Read the infrared light and return its value as a 16-bit unsigned number. """ _, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return channel_1 @property def visible(self): """Read the visible light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity full = (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 return full - channel_1 @property def lux(self): """Read the sensor and calculate a lux value from both its infrared and visible light channels. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity # Compute the atime in milliseconds atime = 100.0 * self._integration_time + 100.0 # Set the maximum sensor counts based on the integration time (atime) setting if self._integration_time == INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS else: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT # Handle overflow. if channel_0 >= max_counts or channel_1 >= max_counts: raise RuntimeError('Overflow reading light channels!') # Calculate lux using same equation as Arduino library: # https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2591_Library/blob/master/Adafruit_TSL2591.cpp again = 1.0 if self._gain == GAIN_MED: again = 25.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_HIGH: again = 428.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_MAX: again = 9876.0 cpl = (atime * again) / _TSL2591_LUX_DF lux1 = (channel_0 - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFB * channel_1)) / cpl lux2 = ((_TSL2591_LUX_COEFC * channel_0) - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFD * channel_1)) / cpl return max(lux1, lux2)
# Simple demo of the TSL2591 sensor. Will print the detected light value # every second. import time from machine import I2C, Pin #added for tsl2591 sensor #import board #import busio import tsl2591 #i2c = I2C(0, pins=("P9","P10")) # Initialize the I2C bus. i2c = I2C(0,pins=("P9","P10"))#board.SCL, board.SDA) #i2c=i2c i2c.init(I2C.MASTER, baudrate=9600) # Initialize the sensor. sensor = tsl2591.TSL2591(i2c) # You can optionally change the gain and integration time: #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_LOW (1x gain) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_MED (25x gain, the default) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_HIGH (428x gain) #sensor.gain = adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_MAX (9876x gain) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS (100ms, default) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS (200ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS (300ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS (400ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS (500ms) #sensor.integration_time = adafruit_tsl2591.INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS (600ms) # Read the total lux, IR, and visible light levels and print it every second. while True: # Read and calculate the light level in lux. lux = sensor.lux print('Total light: {0}lux'.format(lux)) # You can also read the raw infrared and visible light levels. # These are unsigned, the higher the number the more light of that type. # There are no units like lux. # Infrared levels range from 0-65535 (16-bit) infrared = sensor.infrared print('Infrared light: {0}'.format(infrared)) # Visible-only levels range from 0-2147483647 (32-bit) visible = sensor.visible print('Visible light: {0}'.format(visible)) # Full spectrum (visible + IR) also range from 0-2147483647 (32-bit) full_spectrum = sensor.full_spectrum print('Full spectrum (IR + visible) light: {0}'.format(full_spectrum)) time.sleep(1.0)
@dnear1 The I2C classes of Circuitpython and Pycom's Micropython are different. While Circuitpython stores the address in a i2c object, it has to be provided separately for Pycom's dialect.
So what should be changed:
a) in init, change:#self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
self._i2c_address = address
b) in read_u8 change:
self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self.i2c.writeto(self._BUFFER, end=1, stop=False)#line 129 self.i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=1)
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._i2c_address, (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF, self._BUFFER)
c) do the same in _read_u16LE()
d) in _write_u8(), changeself._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF self.i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2)
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self._i2c_address, (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF, val & 0xFF)
There is more to change. Especially the line int init() which creates the i2c object should be in the calling code. Actuall it is already in your main.py, so change:
self.i2c = i2c