fipy telnet
Does anybody has experience to automate execution of a python file (not in the fipy board.
I am thinking of a script that can use telnet or any other means to go into the board and execute a arbitrary file.Please share your experience if you have in this context.
@robert-hh Yes, you are right. Now I see it working in two steps (could be better optimised). Using FTP to upload code and then using telnetlib to telnet the device and execute arbitrary command. Thanks. Just wondering if this is standard way?
@mraj That's what I forgot to mention yesterday. Yes, you can use telnet to connect to the FiPy and execute commands. Once you started a script, that keeps running even when the telnet conection is closed. So the challenge is to automate the PC side with ftp and telnet. That shoudl be possible with ftplib and telnetlib.