SPI + MS5540C driver
Hello everyone,
I am trying to write the driver for the MS5540C Miniature Barometer Module using SPI interface, I based my code in an existing arduino sketch. Nevertheless, I haven't managed to read from the sensor, which worked on the Arduino Uno without problem. I think the problem is in the phase and polarity value that have to be change during the reading sequence, in the Arduino SPI they just change
. I am not familiar with the SPI protocol, so I post my code looking for any insight in this matter.import ustruct import time from machine import SPI, PWM # SPI default pins for SCLK (CLK) , DIN(MOSI) and DOUT(MISO) (``P10``, ``P11`` and ``P14``) # MCLK signal with a frequency of 32.768KHz on P12 pwm = PWM( 0, frequency=32768 ) # 0 create pwm channel on pin P12 with a duty cycle of 50% pwm_c = pwm.channel ( 0, pin='P12', duty_cycle=0.5 ) _RESET_SEQUENCE = bytearray ( [0x15, 0x55, 0x40] ) _ADDRESS_WORD1 = bytearray ( [0x1D, 0x50] ) _ADDRESS_WORD2 = bytearray ( [0x1D, 0x60] ) _ADDRESS_WORD3 = bytearray ( [0x1D, 0x90] ) _ADDRESS_WORD4 = bytearray ( [0x1D, 0xA0] ) class MS5540C: def __init__( self ): #Calibration Word 1 self.w1 = self.__read__calibration__word__( _ADDRESS_WORD1 ) #Calibration Word 2 self.w2 = self.__read__calibration__word__( _ADDRESS_WORD2 ) #Calibration Word 3 self.w3 = self.__read__calibration__word__( _ADDRESS_WORD3 ) #Calibration Word 4 self.w4 = self.__read__calibration__word__( _ADDRESS_WORD4 ) def reset_sensor( self ): self.spi = SPI( 0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=500000, polarity=0, phase=0ze, firstbit=SPI.MSB ) e = self.spi.write( _RESET_SEQUENCE ) # sent the byteds for _reset_sensor_ if e != 3: print('Error en Reset \n') def __read__calibration__word__ ( self, adress ): self.reset_sensor() # phase = 0 # Calibration word request e = self.spi.write( adress ) # Get Calibration word if e != 2: print('Error en request Word \n') # Reading Calibration self.spi = SPI( 0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=500000, polarity=0, phase=1, firstbit=SPI.MSB ) rbuf= self.spi.read(2) return (rbuf[0] << 8) | rbuf[1]
import time # Allows use of time.sleep() for delays import pycom # Base library for Pycom devices import ubinascii # Needed to run any MicroPython code import machine # Interfaces with hardware components import utime # Unix timestamp import micropython # Needed to run any MicroPython code from machine import Pin, Timer from MS5540C import MS5540C # Setup # Level sensor level_sensor = MS5540C() # FUNCTIONS # MAIN def main(): while True: print( "Word 1 is {}".format( level_sensor.w1 ) ) print( "Word 2 is {}".format( level_sensor.w2 ) ) print( "Word 3 is {}".format( level_sensor.w3 ) ) print( "Word 4 is {}".format( level_sensor.w4 ) ) main()
hello there,
Did you manage to solve this issue? :)