BLE connection issue
I'm using a FiPy sitting on the PyTrack. I have updated all devices to their newest firmware version. I'm using the Bluetooth example from Github. I am some times (completely at random) able to connecto to a BLE device, but more often than not, the "connection refused" message pops up. Why? The few times I have managed to establish a connection I get this:
connecting to b'\xd2\xe0\xd0\xeb*\xfd'
Reading chars from service = 1800
char 10752 value = b'SENSOR'
char 10753 value = b'\x00\x00'
char 10756 value = b'\x10\x00<\x00\x00\x00\x90\x01'
Reading chars from service = 1801
Reading chars from service = b'\x9e\xca\xdc$\x0e\xe5\xa9\xe0\x93\xf3\xa3\xb5\x01\x00@n'What does this mean? The BLE device is capable of transmitting: Temperature and humidity, brightness, x,y,z-coordinates and angular velpcity.
I'm able to connect the BLE device using BLE scanner 4.0 for ios and through there I can easily read changes from the sensors.
Were you able to resolve this issue? I am having same issue with nRF BLE but it works with another Pycom BLE device.
@SimiamiDrew Could you also print the
for the device before you attempt to connect?
@SimiamiDrew Can you please edit your post and add ``` alone on a line both before and after your code? That will format it properly. Or select the code and click on one of the two code icons in the toolbar.
The code i'm using is:Insert Code Here from network import Bluetooth import binascii import time bt = Bluetooth() bt.start_scan(-1) while True: adv = bt.get_adv() if adv: # try to get the complete name print(bt.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL)) # try to get the manufacturer data (Apple's iBeacon data is sent here) mfg_data = bt.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_MANUFACTURER_DATA) if mfg_data: # try to get the manufacturer data (Apple's iBeacon data is sent here) print(binascii.hexlify(mfg_data)) if bt.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL) == 'SENSOR': conn = bt.connect(adv.mac) print("connecting to",adv.mac ) services = for service in services: time.sleep(0.050) if type(service.uuid()) == bytes: print('Reading chars from service = {}'.format(service.uuid())) else: print('Reading chars from service = %x' % service.uuid()) chars = service.characteristics() for char in chars: if ( & Bluetooth.PROP_READ): print('char {} value = {}'.format(char.uuid(), conn.disconnect() break else: time.sleep(0.050``` And the "connection refused"- message 
@SimiamiDrew What exactly tells you "connection refused"? I don't think that concept actually exists in BLE, this looks more like an unrelated TCP thing.
Can you share the actual code you use as well as the actual logs?
@jcaron Maybe, but before every test I make sure to not be connected to the device, so as to the FiPy is the only possible device that'll search and connect to the BLE device.
@SimiamiDrew Maybe the device only accepts one connection at a time and you have something else already connected?