New firmware release 1.4.0.b1

  • Hello everyone,

    On this release we have added the following features:

    • WLAN and Bluetooth disabling. See wlan.deinit() and bluetooth.deinit() methods.

    • WiFi power save mode. This is enabled by default when in STA (Station) mode. The WiFi radio is disabled automatically when not being used to lower the power consumption. This cannot be done in AP mode because access points need to have their radios ON all the time.

    • ```machine.idle()`` method now stops the CPU clock until the next interrupt occurs to preserve power.

    • Bluetooth callbacks for the following events:

      • Client connected.
      • Client disconnected.
      • New advertisement received.
      • Characteristic notifications (also known as subscriptions).
    • The ```wlan.disconnect()`` bug has been fixed, see:

    • Finally we are now using the remote control peripheral to drive the RGB LED (instead of bit banging).

    The new firmware binaries will be available tomorrow (around 10:00 AM CET), on the usual place:

    I'll notify again when the release is available for download.


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  • @Colateral
    bus = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000, pins=("P19", "P20"))


    print(ubinascii.hexlify(bus.readfrom_mem(119, 0xD0, 1))) 
    print(ubinascii.hexlify(bus.readfrom_mem(119, 0xD0, 2))) 

    and chip revision:

    >>> print(ubinascii.hexlify(bus.readfrom_mem(119,0xd1, 2))) 

    it looks ok 550206

  • @livius Using the same board and connectivity, I can tell you that I succeed to read BME280 (alone) without any resistors or etc.

    I have 2 BMP180 sensors from 2 different providers. BME280 and these 2 sensors, I can read them with Arduino ... but not at all with the PyCom I2C stack. This make me think that something is "nasty" with in the I2C implementation...

    Which rate are did you configured your I2C baudrate in order to read BMP180?
    Using your BMP180, If you run: print(i2c.readfrom_mem(119, 0xD0, 2)) ... can you got the chip id?

  • @jmarcelino said in New firmware release 1.4.0.b1:

    I tested with and without resistors but "nothing" change
    only reverse order of initialization of sensors help

    difference between sensors is that in light sensor first is memwrite
    in bm180 first is memread

    and problem appear in 1.4 version of firmware - previously all work without any problem
    i do not dig what was changed on esp-idf in the mean time

  • @livius said in New firmware release 1.4.0.b1:

    I do not know if i2c is now hardware or still software implementation

    i2c is still done in software.

    Is anyone using external pull-up resistors on their I2C? I see the internal ESP32 pull-ups are enabled in the code, but have not seen any reference to what the resistance value is like or attempted to measure it.

  • @Colateral
    yes i can read data from it but fix is not clear to me - i still can not diagnose what is crux of the problem.

    I can not work with BMP180 alone i must have something more on bus like e.g. light sensor BH1750
    if i reverse sensors initialization order i got always I2C bus error
    it looks like i must write something one to i2c and then i can read from it or vice versa.
    It is not connected with the resistance or the capacitance.

    I do not know if i2c is now hardware or still software implementation

  • @livius Have you succeed to get data from BMP180 . I am always get "I2C bus error" when I am trying to instantiate bmp180.
    Debuging, I2C bus scan displays 119 address available, but when I simply read the bmp180 chip id, with i2c.readfrom_mem(119, 0xD0, 2) I am getting "I2C bus error".

    This is happening always on LoPy.

  • @sakis

    Now I can see why everybody submit their issues here.

    I have opened an issue on Github's repo, no one even acknowledges my issue there. People get way more attention from posting here.

  • @tholden agree with you. See my comment below

  • machine.idle is not working.

    I am executing it as the first thing in the code, but it still continues execution

  • @crankshaft
    you can compile py file it use then much less memory
    but still this require custom firmware build with enabled option for compiled modules

    look here:
    and here - detile how to do this:

  • @mohpor, @jmarcelino, @livius - Thanks for the suggestions regarding MQTT and BME280 and memory etc.

    Compared to the Si7021 AND SHT21, the BME requires a lot more code in the driver library to extract the data, probably 3 times as much as for the S* devices, which are really simple and is what I am using now.

    Other than getting data about the environment, I need to get data from other sensors, and really need to provide a simple HTTP server so that the device can initially be configured (an maintained) from a web browser and a few other things too.

    My code needs to be very robust as once it is deployed (on the other side of the world) it needs to look after itself, and manage any and all errors, and with the limited code space right now I simply cannot do this.

    I know that if I strip down to bare functionality, I could get the basics to work, but that's not what I am after, I need much more than I have now in order for this project to succeed.

    If I were to use a 8266 device (nodeMCU or micropython) then I believe I can get it all in, and my expectations were that I would be able to do more on the ESP32 rather than less.

    I don't really require any help with the programming side of things right now, just need more space to breathe :-)

  • @daniel - Thanks, and joining forces with Damien George sounds like a great move too :-)

  • Hi folks,

    • Still nothing about machine.sleep() or machine.deepsleep()?
    • I also tried to measure the current i used by my LoPy with machine.idle() or not... I couldn't find any difference. Does someone have an idea of the current used by the CPU at 100% or close to 0%. The difference is probably too small to be seen.

  • @crankshaft

    The amount of available ram is just too small to do anything that includes anything more than one or 2 libraries, I managed to get the fantastic bosch BMP280 enviro sensor working, and cobbled together a mqtt client, however they cannot work together due to insufficient ram, and so I have to now find an alternative sensor that is easier to decode.

    I was facing memory issues but I got to solve them. The key is gc.collect()! You can't over use it! I mean, I have gc.collect() all over the place! I'm not sure about it's implications on battery usage and performance, but that is the only way I can run my code now! Every loop iteration, every major memory altering event (especially around threads and interrupts). I have learnt it the hard way, it might help you with your application too.

    A good pattern to use is try-finally in interrupt handlers and memory consuming functions:

        # Do some memory consuming function
        for x in list:
           #do things

    Hope it helps somebody.


  • @jmarcelino
    I'm sure it'll worth the noise! I look at it this way: The more noise (activity) the more chance of getting stable! I am facing bugs everyday, imagine how long it would take for me to face all possible bugs. Now, when many others try what I'm trying, there is a good chance the time would be decimated massively! Not to mention use cases and code templates and known issues which will be documented for others to use!

    The mess of not being labeled or assigned is a whole another issue though. I hope they'll get sorted out in time.


  • @mohpor
    Indeed it's excellent news having the the ESP32 - powered by Pycom - as an official member of the community, however the main repo is also a very noisy place. There are currently 300+ open reports there and from a quick glance most aren't labelled with the type of board despite being port specific, so if nothing there changes it could potentially be more confusing.

  • @jmarcelino
    I'm sure it will get improved drastically if everyone follow the same repo. More power behind the tasks at hand.


  • @crankshaft
    I've been using umqtt.simple ( ) successfully with various sensors, umqtt only takes up about 7Kb. Admittedly I've not used it to do MQTT over SSL yet if that's what you're using, so it might have a larger footprint.

    You touch on a good point and I'm also guilty of not following up quick informal reports here with proper Github issues. Everyone at Pycom is just so responsive it hasn't seemed necessary but you're right it would improve visibility and tracking.

    That said following from the latest announcement I'd imagine in a couple of weeks most bug reports will really need to be filed with the main micropython repo and not on Pycom's.

  • @crankshaft said in New firmware release 1.4.0.b1:

    You have right about overview but one point i must understand:

    The amount of available ram is just too small to do anything that includes anything more than one or 2 libraries, I managed to get the fantastic bosch BMP280 enviro sensor working, and cobbled together a mqtt client, however they cannot work together due to insufficient ram, and so I have to now find an alternative sensor that is easier to decode.

    i do not understand you corectly about this sentence
    so I have to now find an alternative sensor that is easier to decode
    do you mean that BMP280 is not usable to you because of RAM
    I use BMP180 extensively (and difference between BMP280 is "only" accuracy) but i do not use "mqtt client,"
    I connect to service(wirtten in Delphi) on computer and send there data throught socket. And back to Firebird database.
    I suppose that your problem is about MQTT memory consumption.

    I have connected to wipy many sensors at the same time e.g.
    one wire temperature, i2c light, barometric, spi oled, pir, IR, few buttons, port expander
    i have established connection between two wipy (i still wait for support AP+STA mode)
    but now i simulate it by connecting one wipy to second and after packet of data arrive i turn my AP to sta and send data back to server throught tcp socket and back change to AP

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