Terminating a thread after 5s
I'm trying to figure out how to abandon a function call after 5s if the function hasn't returned a value by then.
import _thread, time def _function(this, that): print('waiting for _function'); time.sleep(9); print("don't want to see this message") _thread.start_new_thread(_function, (1, 2)) lock=_thread.allocate_lock() lock.acquire(1, 5)
Running C:\Users\Kris\Google Drive\My Documents\Pycom\main\test.py >>> >>> waiting for _function > Pycom MicroPython 1.18.1.r7 [v1.8.6-849-d1c5ea9] on 2018-12-17; GPy with ESP32 Type "help()" for more information. >>> >>> don't want to see this message
isn't forcing the function to exit after 5s. Can someone show me how to achieve this?
@oligauc Have realised thread locking was not what we were after. What we actually want to do is put getaddrinfo in a thread so that if it the DNS lookup takes forever or fails the main program can move on. Unfortunately, this is not what happens, the main program pauses & waits for the thread. https://forum.pycom.io/topic/5295/getaddrinfo in-a-thread
@kjm Please can you give more details on what you are trying to achieve ? What is the function doing ? To monitor the elapsed time you can do:
def thread_proc(): start_time = utime.time() while utime.time() - start_time < 5: time.sleep(0.01) _thead.start_new_thread(thread_proc, ())