SigFox - Beyond FiPy Getting Started

  • I've been trying to wrap my head around SigFox. I've just recently played with some Twilio tooling in Python and I want to try to apply it to the FiPy, but I have no idea how go get data from SigFox to the next downstream device to consume it. In this case I don't know how to get it to Twilio's API call. I've just purchased a FiPy device but mostly I'm working purely from documentation. It seems that the documentation only leads to getting the device registered and then that's the end of the road. Nothing much more involved beyond that. I saw a tutorial on using an Android device to BLE to the SiPy then on to SigFox and then Twilio, but I didn't understand much of the overhead or under the hood going on beyond the call to SigFox. I'm struggling to find information on the basics of SigFox and hope that there is something for beginners like myself to get squared up.

  • If you want to do something with your Sigfox data's (obviously mostly everybody need it) you have to create a Sigfox Custom Callback (see link below), you have to declare it in sigfox backend set an host destination and the data format how to send to your host.
    On each Uplink (your device send a sigfox frame), your callback will be called and the request contain your data.
    Exemple for my server, on each frame data in {} is filled with correct info


    I have a process running waiting for data at a socket that parse my data and send back to sigfox either a HTTP 204 or HTTP 200 when i need to downlink something to my device.
    Please note that a downlink occur only if the device send a downlink-request-uplink-frame . And you have 140 uplink frame by day but only 4 downlink by day available.
    Sigfox have aws and ibm watson support but not for Twilio so is suppose you have to write something.

  • @Sn3akyP3t3 Please find the link to the Pycom Sigfox uplink / downlink example.

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