LoRaWAN Gateway using CatM1
Hello, I am trying to use the FiPy to be a LoRaWAN gateway and instead of being connected via WiFi, it is connected by CATM1.
I am using a hologram SIM and I can establish a connection, everything looks fine and I even get a connection on The Things Network, however I get the following errors:
[ 9095.759] Attaching... [ 9096.140] Attaching... [ 9096.519] Attaching... [ 9098.096] lte connected [ 9098.104] Starting LoRaWAN nano gateway with id: b'CC50E3FFFEA5C304' [ 9098.113] Syncing time with pool.ntp.org ... [ 9099.473] RTC NTP sync complete [ 9100.101] Opening UDP socket to router.au.thethings.network ( port 1700... [ 9100.123] Setting up the LoRa radio at 916.7999 Mhz using SF10BW125 [ 9100.135] LoRaWAN nano gateway online [ 9100.142] You may now press ENTER to enter the REPL Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound_method> Traceback (most recent call last): File "nanogateway.py", line 458, in _udp_thread File "nanogateway.py", line 457, in _udp_thread AttributeError: 'OSError' object has no attribute 'errno' [ 9175.124] Failed to �ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
After this it will restart every minute or so.
I have also tried using pybytes and have established a connection but can't see what is going wrong and then it will just reset as well.
I have added these lines to my nanogateway.py code for the LTE connection:
def start(self): """ Starts the LoRaWAN nano gateway. """ lte.reset() lte.send_at_cmd('AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","hologram"') lte.send_at_cmd('AT!="addscanfreq band=28 dl-earfcn=9410"') lte.send_at_cmd('AT!=1') lte.send_at_cmd('AT+CEREG=2') lte.send_at_cmd('AT+CFUN=1') lte.attach() while not lte.isattached(): time.sleep(0.25) self._log('Attaching...') lte.connect() while not lte.isconnected(): utime.sleep_ms(50) self._log('lte connected') self._log('Starting LoRaWAN nano gateway with id: {}', self.id)
and removed the wifi stuff from the config etc.
I haven't changed anything here, but this is where the error happens:
def _udp_thread(self): """ UDP thread, reads data from the server and handles it. """ while not self.udp_stop: try: data, src = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) _token = data[1:3] _type = data[3] if _type == PUSH_ACK: self._log("Push ack") elif _type == PULL_ACK: self._log("Pull ack") elif _type == PULL_RESP: self.dwnb += 1 ack_error = TX_ERR_NONE tx_pk = ujson.loads(data[4:]) if "tmst" in data: tmst = tx_pk["txpk"]["tmst"] t_us = tmst - utime.ticks_cpu() - 15000 if t_us < 0: t_us += 0xFFFFFFFF if t_us < 20000000: self.uplink_alarm = Timer.Alarm( handler=lambda x: self._send_down_link( ubinascii.a2b_base64(tx_pk["txpk"]["data"]), tx_pk["txpk"]["tmst"] - 50, tx_pk["txpk"]["datr"], int(tx_pk["txpk"]["freq"] * 1000) * 1000 ), us=t_us ) else: ack_error = TX_ERR_TOO_LATE self._log('Downlink timestamp error!, t_us: {}', t_us) else: self.uplink_alarm = Timer.Alarm( handler=lambda x: self._send_down_link_class_c( ubinascii.a2b_base64(tx_pk["txpk"]["data"]), tx_pk["txpk"]["datr"], int(tx_pk["txpk"]["freq"] * 1000) * 1000 ), us=50 ) self._ack_pull_rsp(_token, ack_error) self._log("Pull rsp") except usocket.timeout: pass except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN: #This is line 457 self._log('UDP recv OSError Exception: {}', ex) except Exception as ex: self._log('UDP recv Exception: {}', ex) # wait before trying to receive again utime.sleep_ms(UDP_THREAD_CYCLE_MS) # we are to close the socket self.sock.close() self.udp_stop = False self._log('UDP thread stopped')
Has anyone had success using a FiPy as a LoRaWAN Gateway with CATM1?
Also I removed the wifi details from the init line:
def __init__(self, id, frequency, datarate, server, port, ntp_server='pool.ntp.org', ntp_period=3600):
@Dylan hi, were u able to resolve the reset issue? we r facing the same issue... after connection to the LTE network it send the data; get stacked for a while and then reset.
we get the following log on runtime:[ 168.495] attached! [ 169.890] ] connected! [ 169.902] Syncing time with time.google.com ... [ 170.318] RTC NTP sync complete [ 170.334] Opening UDP socket to XX.XX.XX.XX port 1700... [ 171.365] Watchdog started [ 171.378] Setting up the LoRa radio at 868.1 Mhz using SF7BW125 [ 171.397] LoRaWAN nano gateway online Pycom MicroPython 1.20.1.r3 [v1.11-58398d3] on 2019-12-12; FiPy with ESP32 Pybytes Version: 1.3.0 Type "help()" for more information. >>> b'\x02\xd4j\x01' [ 171.456] Push ack [ 178.293] Received packet: {"rxpk": [{"data": "QCh1kQEAAAACWlrOb9z6ZwLt0lCqQYGl7PdNqZYjIhhsl023jWO9aEaDIb5UR/0=", "time": "2022-12-16T13:00:43.310577Z", "chan": 0, "tmst": 48778374, "stat": 1, "modu": "LORA", "lsnr": 6.0, "rssi": -26, "rfch": 0, "codr": "4/5", "freq": 868.1, "datr": "SF7BW125", "size": 47}]} b'\x02\x8dF\x04' [ 198.001] Pull ack b'\x025\x1a\x01' [ 198.057] Push ack b'\x027\x83\x03{"txpk":{"imme":false,"rfch":0,"powe":14,"ant":0,"brd":0,"tmst":49778374,"freq":868.1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF7BW125","codr":"4/5","ipol":true,"size":36,"data":"YCh1kQGbCgAHA8iFhFAFANKthAGS20VgfuoTknRW6SotrPdh"}}' [ 198.613] Downlink timestamp error!, t_us: 19360015 [ 198.633] Pull rsp [ 211.877] UDP recv Exception: tmst b'\x02\xa3Q\x01' [ 212.035] Push ack b'\x02\x96I\x03{"txpk":{"imme":false,"rfch":0,"powe":14,"ant":0,"brd":0,"tmst":83213604,"freq":868.1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF7BW125","codr":"4/5","ipol":true,"size":36,"data":"YCh1kQGbCgAHA8iFhFAFANKthAGS20VgfuoTknRW6SotrPdh"}}' [ 212.924] Pull rsp ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x7 (TG0WDT_SYS_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
@robert-hh we already have the changes u proposed in the code we are using for the connection. Could u take a look and let me know if u have any idea about our problem? another thing that is bothering me is why I get the timestamp of Jun 8 2016 00:22:57?
I now have a different crash occuring:
[ 3153.373] Pull ack [ 3208.926] Push ack Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. Core 1 register dump: PC : 0x4010967f PS : 0x00060830 A0 : 0x800e07c0 A1 : 0x3ffd9270 A2 : 0x00000001 A3 : 0x00000001 A4 : 0x00000000 A5 : 0x00000001 A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x00060023 A8 : 0x801084ca A9 : 0x3ffe63e0 A10 : 0x00000001 A11 : 0x00000001 A12 : 0x3f94fa00 A13 : 0x3f94fa00 A14 : 0x3ffe6570 A15 : 0x3ffe64d0 SAR : 0x00000016 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c EXCVADDR: 0x00000001 LBEG : 0x4009846c LEND : 0x4009849a LCOUNT : 0xffffffff Backtrace: 0x4010967f:0x3ffd9270 0x400e07bd:0x3ffd9290 0x400e082e:0x3ffd92b0 0x400e0d4d:0x3ffd92e0 0x40107505:0x3ffd9300 0x40100e9a:0x3ffd9330 0x400fd269:0x3ffd9360 0x401091ed:0x3ffd9380 0x40100f34:0x3ffd9420 0x400fd269:0x3ffd9450 0x400fd296:0x3ffd9470 0x400e0e1d:0x3ffd9490 0x400e109d:0x3ffd9530 0x400df973:0x3ffd9550
[ 5366.448] Failed to pull downlink packets from server: [Errno 118] EHOSTUNREACH
That fixed the connection issue, it's connecting every time now.
It is still resetting every 5-10 minutes for no particular reason even after using a keyboard reset, this seems like it's related to pybytes since none of my code is running. I have my pybytes json file as follows:
{"wifi": {"ssid": "", "password": ""}, "wlan_antenna": 0, "dump_ca": false, "lora": {"abp": {"dev_addr": "undefined", "app_skey": "undefined", "nwk_skey": "undefined"}}, "server": "mqtt.pybytes.pycom.io", "ssl": false, "lte": {"apn": "hologram", "cid": 1, "reset": false, "carrier": "Verizon", "band": 28, "type": "IP"}, "device_id": "c4850280-85ab-4a84-b9aa-ded71a7cf2e8", "network_preferences": ["lte", "lora_abp"], "ota_server": {"port": 443, "domain": ""}, "pybytes_autostart": false, "username": "*****"}
I thought putting pybytes autostart as false would solve the problem, but it has not.
Any ideas?
Note: If I do the keyboard interrupt immediately after a reset it won't do its reset after 5-10mins, I'll have a look through the nanogateway code incase theres another timeout or something, I'll also try and figure out exactly how long it takes before a reset. I'll put a reception strength checker in for each ack so I know it's not reception and maybe a lte.isconnected() to see if it's connected too.
@Dylan See this PR and a fixx to the errno trouble: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/pull/107
Especially: Change that line:if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
if ex.args[0] != errno.EAGAIN:
P.S.: PyCom has a lot of room for improvement when it comes to keeping the documentation correct and recent as well as responding to PR's from the community.