External ADC for FiPy to improve results?
So I generate charts for ECG sensor and it is nothing that looks like electrocardiograms. So I was reading here that I can get better results if I use external ADC... I am getting quite a jittery data that I sample at 3-6 ms... that's the best that the tight loop in a separate thread can do (inside the loop I am just adding the result to the string...)
Is there any specific ADC you can recommend?
Is this will do:
if yes, how to connect it to Expansion Board 3.1 that my FiPy sits on?
There is this ADS1015 (12 bits) with Qwiic connectors :
SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC - 4 Channel (ADS1015)
So using Qwiic to male cable you can connect to Expansion Board, breadboard, etc :
Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper (4-pin)
without soldering.
Yes, I already have seen it and more importantly (for me) it's dev boards - all of them require soldering which I am not able to do - no equipment and neither experience....
An ADS1115 15-16 bits ADC is cheap and has drivers for Arduni, Raspberry Pi, MicroPython, etc. Up to 860 samples/s.