random I2c adresses
Hello there,
Can you give me some hint? I am expreiencing a weird glitch.
random i2c adresses showing up on .scan()
only one am2315 temperature sensor is on a breadboard right now. Thanks
I think the issue was with my breadboard psu... So right now I am using the pycom 3.3V
@robert-hh I see. Nice temp sensor. I had the same problems with hardware which should run at 400kHz. Only using bus 2 helped.
@tttadam How have you powered the sensor? Are you using 5V? Then you might need a level shifter, isn't it?
@tvetter1976 The OP is using an am2315 Sensor. See: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/AM2315.pdf
No its written to be 400kHz in this data sheet (p.91):
Also I tried 400kHz on anothoter microcontroller and it worked. Software I2C on FIpy worked also with 400kHz. I think I also tried Ds3231 on FIPY and had the same disapointing results. So came to the point, that hardware I2C can only be ran only at lower frequencies.
@tvetter1976 That might be. The maximum speed of this sensor is told to be 100kHz.
Once I posted this:
I had the same issue and it was not related the the external pull up. Try bus 2 or reduce freqency to lets say 60 kHz.
@tttadam most likely the pull-up resistors are missing, or another wiring problem, like missing GND connection.