Send data to Azure IoTHub with MQTT protocol, without using pybytes (solved)
I was looking around for some examples and found this:
Re: AMQP to Azure IoTHub via CAT-MI have used the libraries downloaded from github:
And tried both versions of the generate_sas_token() method without luck. It seems that either the API, libraries or something has changed since. Does anyone got a working example running?
Current firmware:
Thanks in advance!
Edit: So i got a little further now, was using the connection string arguments wrong. Now i can get it to compile all the way until client.connect(), where i run in to trouble with the libraries. I am using the umqtt.simple library from micropython-lib-master, which is supposed to be for use with micropython. I tried the regular mqtt library from pycom as well, but ran into the same problem:
This refers to following line in the library:
I did some futher digging based on the TypeError message, and found some posts: that there was some changes to Micropython, and that the library isn't updated. From the above posts, i see that the "TypeError: object with buffer protocol required", can be fixed by putting brackets or packing what you write in a bytearray. I tried both, but ran into similar errors other places in the library. I don't want to edit too much in libraries, so i would really appreciate any help on this topic!
Are you also using client.check_msg() to check if messages has been sent to the device? When I use this function and no message is the queue its blocking my code until I send a message to the device but I would like to only check if there is a message and then the code should be continued. Do you have any suggestions for this problem?
Following my Edit, i got another step further. I am going to show my main code below here, to better show and tell what i found out so far (Sorry for all the outcommenting, been at it for a while now).
What i did now, was to edit the client = MQTTClient() parameters for user and password, with a b'username' and b'password', which seems to have helped others (see link):
This got rid of the "object with buffer protocol required" error. Now i am instead getting a MQTTException: 3
I am no sure what is causing the problems. Would really appreciate some updated documentation / examples on how to do this!
Code below:
from wlan_module import wlan_module from simple import MQTTClient #import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from _sha256 import sha256 from hmac import HMAC from parse import quote_plus, urlencode, quote import machine import time wl = wlan_module() wl.wifiConnect() #set time print("setting time") rtc = machine.RTC() rtc.ntp_sync("") while not rtc.synced(): machine.idle() print("Time set to: " + str( def generate_sas_token(uri, key, keyName, ttl=3600): expiry = int(time() + ttl) uri = quote_plus(uri) sas = key.encode('utf-8') string_to_sign = (uri + '\n' + str(expiry)).encode('utf-8') signed_hmac_sha256 = HMAC(sas, string_to_sign, sha256) signature = quote(b64encode(signed_hmac_sha256.digest())) return { 'expiry': expiry, 'token': 'SharedAccessSignature sr={}&sig={}&se={}&skn={}'.format(uri, signature, expiry, keyName) #'token': 'SharedAccessSignature sr={}&sig={}&se={}'.format(uri, signature, expiry) } #Azure IoT-hub settings hostname = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #This needs to be the key of the "device" IoT-hub shared access policy, NOT the device policy_name = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" primary_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" device_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" uri = "{hostname}/devices/{device_id}".format(hostname=hostname, device_id=device_id) print(generate_sas_token(uri, primary_key, policy_name)) print(uri) password =generate_sas_token(uri, primary_key, policy_name) #print(password) username_fmt = "{}/{}/api-version=2018-06-30" username = username_fmt.format(hostname, device_id) client = MQTTClient(device_id, hostname, user=b'username', password=b'password', ssl=True) client.connect() topic = "devices/{device_id}/messages/events/".format(device_id=device_id) client.publish(topic, "test", qos=1)
Update: I made it work finally, leaving my solution here, for anyone in similar situation. Basically it was a combination of a missing certificate, and an error in the "generate_sas_token()" method i was using. So the solution was to use the Boston Certificate mentioned here:
And the generate_sas_token() method from here:
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from hashlib import sha256 from time import time from urllib import parse from hmac import HMAC def generate_sas_token(uri, key, policy_name, expiry=3600): ttl = time() + expiry sign_key = "%s\n%d" % ((parse.quote_plus(uri)), int(ttl)) print sign_key signature = b64encode(HMAC(b64decode(key), sign_key.encode('utf-8'), sha256).digest()) rawtoken = { 'sr' : uri, 'sig': signature, 'se' : str(int(ttl)) } if policy_name is not None: rawtoken['skn'] = policy_name return 'SharedAccessSignature ' + parse.urlencode(rawtoken)