memory problems LoPy Pybytes
I am already using a LoPy on the Pybytes platform via LoRa and that is still working well.
In combination with the DeepSleep shield it works already for over a year.
Now I want to add an second LoPy with the same code (but with some necessary updates because of the newer software versions).But then the message appears that the
memory allocation failed, allocating 136 bytes
Another error is giving by rule 13 in the In this rule is reffered to the file.
The details of the LoPy are
>>> os.uname() (sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.20.2.rc10', version='v1.11-a159dee on 2020-06-26', machine='LoPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', pybytes='1.5.1')
I have read that this is a frequent problem with the first version of the LoPy, but my other LoPy works well!
Could somebody help me to fix this issue? I read lot over .mpy files but I do not know how the create that.
Let me know.
Best regards, Hanthe complete code is
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2019, Pycom Limited. # # This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or any # later version, with permitted additional terms. For more information # see the Pycom Licence v1.0 document supplied with this file, or # available at # """ OTAA Node example as per LoRaWAN EU868 regional specification - compatible with the LoPy Nano Gateway and all other LoraWAN gateways - tested works with a LoRaServer and TTN servers """ from network import LoRa import socket import binascii import struct import time import pycom import _thread from time import sleep import uos import ujson from deepsleep import DeepSleep import deepsleep from pysense import Pysense from SI7006A20 import SI7006A20 from LTR329ALS01 import LTR329ALS01 from MPL3115A2 import MPL3115A2,ALTITUDE,PRESSURE from deepsleep import DeepSleep py = Pysense() mpp = MPL3115A2(py,mode=PRESSURE) si = SI7006A20(py) lt = LTR329ALS01(py) ds = DeepSleep() # get the wake reason and the value of the pins during wake up wake_s = ds.get_wake_status() print(wake_s) if wake_s['wake'] == deepsleep.PIN_WAKE: print("Pin wake up") elif wake_s['wake'] == deepsleep.TIMER_WAKE: print("Timer wake up") else: # deepsleep.POWER_ON_WAKE: print("Power ON reset") LORA_CHANNEL = 0 # zero = random LORA_NODE_DR = 4 ''' utility function to setup the lora channels ''' def prepare_channels(lora, channel, data_rate): EU868_FREQUENCIES = [ { "chan": 1, "fq": "868100000" }, { "chan": 2, "fq": "868300000" }, { "chan": 3, "fq": "868500000" }, { "chan": 4, "fq": "867100000" }, { "chan": 5, "fq": "867300000" }, { "chan": 6, "fq": "867500000" }, { "chan": 7, "fq": "867700000" }, { "chan": 8, "fq": "867900000" }, ] if not channel in range(0, 9): raise RuntimeError("channels should be in 0-8 for EU868") if channel == 0: import uos channel = (struct.unpack('B',uos.urandom(1))[0] % 7) + 1 upstream = (item for item in EU868_FREQUENCIES if item["chan"] == channel).__next__() # set the 3 default channels to the same frequency lora.add_channel(0, frequency=int(upstream.get('fq')), dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(1, frequency=int(upstream.get('fq')), dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(2, frequency=int(upstream.get('fq')), dr_min=0, dr_max=5) for i in range(3, 16): lora.remove_channel(i) return lora ''' call back for handling RX packets ''' def lora_cb(lora): events = if events & LoRa.RX_PACKET_EVENT: if lora_socket is not None: frame, port = lora_socket.recvfrom(512) # longuest frame is +-220 print(port, frame) if events & LoRa.TX_PACKET_EVENT: print("tx_time_on_air: {} ms @dr {}", lora.stats().tx_time_on_air, lora.stats().sftx) ''' Main operations: this is sample code for LoRaWAN on EU868 ''' lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, region=LoRa.EU868, device_class=LoRa.CLASS_C) # create an OTA authentication params dev_eui = binascii.unhexlify('1234567896') app_key = binascii.unhexlify('123456789') nwk_key = binascii.unhexlify('123456789qwertryuiop') prepare_channels(lora, 1, LORA_NODE_DR) # join a network using OTAA lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_key, nwk_key), timeout=0, dr=LORA_NODE_DR) # DR is 2 in v1.1rb but 0 worked for ne # wait until the module has joined the network print('Over the air network activation ... ', end='') while not lora.has_joined(): time.sleep(2.5) print('.', end='') print('') # create a LoRa socket lora_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) # set the LoRaWAN data rate lora_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, LORA_NODE_DR) # msg are confirmed at the FMS level lora_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_CONFIRMED, 0) # make the socket non blocking y default lora_socket.setblocking(False) lora.callback(trigger=( LoRa.RX_PACKET_EVENT | LoRa.TX_PACKET_EVENT | LoRa.TX_FAILED_EVENT ), handler=lora_cb) time.sleep(4) # this timer is important and caused me some trouble ... for i in range(0, 1000): def send_sensor_data(): while (pybytes): pybytes.send_signal(1, si.humidity()) pybytes.send_signal(2, si.temperature()) pybytes.send_signal(3, lt.light()) pybytes.send_signal(4, mpp.pressure()) sleep(10) _thread.start_new_thread(send_sensor_data, ()) time.sleep(300) #ds.enable_pullups('P17') # can also do ds.enable_pullups(['P17', 'P18']) #ds.enable_wake_on_fall('P17') # can also do ds.enable_wake_on_fall(['P17', 'P18']) #ds.go_to_sleep(3600) # go to sleep for 60 seconds
As you see, the Lopy1 has 4MB of flash memory. All our newer products sport larger Flash memory as the firmware size is ever increasing with new features. The problem is that the files you are trying to upload will fill up the Flash to its maximum. You can either install one of the older (smaller) firmwares using the firmware updater tool, or do something with the mpy files. That is a pretty advanced procedure where you build your own firmware, there is some discussion around it in multiple places, I link one here:
So I checked the memory of the LoPy and this is given by the terminal:
As I do gc collect and then mem_free there pops up 13712. But the flash and memory status keeps the same size.