ImportError: no module named 'globals' and no module named 'util'
link text
code:import globals as g from machine import UART import sys import util from util import log from utime import sleep_ms, ticks_ms, ticks_diff uart = None ##################################################################### # Send AT Command To Modem ##################################################################### def at(cmd): try: if uart.any() > 0: # get unsolicited modem response a = get_modem_response() if len(a) > 0: log("unsolicited modem response: {}".format(a)) # process unsolicited results here log(" modem command: {}".format(cmd)) # send command to modem n = uart.write(cmd + '\r') if n != len(cmd) + 1: log("error sending command to modem: n = {}".format(n)) return [] a = get_modem_response() except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) a = [] return a # return modem response lines in array ##################################################################### # Attach Cellular Modem To Packet Domain Service ##################################################################### def attach(): try: log("attach modem to packet domain service") a = at('AT+CGATT=1') if a[0] != 'OK': log("error attaching modem") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Check Registration ##################################################################### def check_registration(): # return 0-5, 99-unknown # response: ['+CEREG: 2,4', 'OK'] # response: ['+CEREG: 2,1,"2C29","0B54400F",7', 'OK'] # 2,0 - not registered, not searching # 2,1 - registered, home network # 2,2 - not registered, searching # 2,3 - registration denied # 2,4 - unknown (out of coverage) # 2,5 - registered, roaming try: while True: log("check registration") a = at('AT+CEREG?') if a[1] != 'OK': break s = a[0] if (s[0:7] != "+CEREG:"): break a = s.split(",") if (a[0] != "+CEREG: 2"): break reg = int(a[1]) if reg == 1: log("registered - home network") elif reg == 5: log("registered - roaming") else: log("not registered") return reg except Exception as ex: log("check registration exception") sys.print_exception(ex) # unknown registration log("error checking registration") return 99 ##################################################################### # Detach Cellular Modem From Packet Domain Service ##################################################################### def detach(): try: log("detach modem from packet domain service") a = at('AT+CGATT=0') if a[0] != 'OK': log("error detaching modem") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Disable LTE Modem ##################################################################### def disable_modem(): try: log("disable modem") at("AT+CFUN=4") # disable both transmit and receive RF circuits except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Enable Modem ##################################################################### def enable_modem(): try: log("enabling modem") a = at("AT+CFUN=1") # full functionality if a[0] != 'OK': log("error enabling modem") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Get CFUN - Modem Level of Functionality ##################################################################### def get_cfun(): # 0 - minimum functionality # 1 - full functionality # 4 - radios disabled but access to SIM allowed # -1 - unknown # note: if modem does +SHUTDOWN/+SYSSTART, CFUN will be reset to 0 try: while True: a = at('AT+CFUN?') # response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK'] if a[1] != 'OK': break s = a[0] if (s[0:6] != "+CFUN:"): break cfun = int(s[7]) return cfun except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) return -1 ##################################################################### # Get Modem Response ##################################################################### def get_modem_response(): try: t0 = ticks_ms() while True: if uart.any() > 0: # insure entire response has been received sleep_ms(50) break t1 = ticks_ms() tx = ticks_diff(t1, t0) if tx > 10000: log("timeout error - no modem response after 10 secs") return [] sleep_ms(100) b = s = str(b, 'utf-8') a = s.split('\r\n') a = list(filter(None, a)) log(" modem response: {}".format(a)) except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) a = [] return a # return modem response lines in array ##################################################################### # Get SMS Mode ##################################################################### def get_sms_mode(): # return 0-PDU mode or unknown, 1-text mode try: log("get SMS mode") a = at('AT+CMGF?') # response: ['+CMGF: 1', 'OK'] if (len(a) < 2) or (a[1] != 'OK'): return 0 # mode unknown s = a[0] if (s[0:6] != '+CMGF:'): return 0 # state unknown mode = int(s[7]) return mode except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) return 0 # mode unknown ##################################################################### # HTTP Post ##################################################################### def http_post(uri, header, m): # POST <uri> HTTP/1.1 # <header> # Content-Length: <len(m)> # Content-Type: application/octet-stream # <blank line> try: log("HTTP post") while True: # note: init_modem() is used to do "AT+SQNHTTPCFG=..." n = len(m) # log("writing message: {0}".format(m)) log("post message length: {0}".format(n)) # AT+SQNHTTPSND=<prof_id>,<command>,<resource>,<data_len>[,<post_param>[,<extra_header_line>]] # prof_id=1, command=0 (POST), post_parm="2" (application/octet-stream), header="Host: <host_name>" a = at('AT+SQNHTTPSND=1,0,"{0}",{1},"2","{2}"'.format(uri, n, header)) if a[0] != '> ': break uart.write(m) a = get_modem_response() if a[0] != 'OK': break # modem responds with "+SQNHTTPRING: <prof_id,<http_status_code>,<content_type>,<data_size>" a = get_modem_response() s = a[0] if s[0:13] != "+SQNHTTPRING:": break a = s.split(",") n = int(a[3]) log("response message length: {0}".format(n)) # get response cmd = 'AT+SQNHTTPRCV=1,0\r' log(" modem command: {0}".format(cmd)) uart.write(cmd) wait_rx(5, 10000) # wait for b'\r\n<<<' b = # log(" modem response: {0}".format(b)) if b[2:5] != b'<<<': break wait_rx(n, 10000) # wait for response b = log(" modem response: {0}".format(b)) a = get_modem_response() if a[0] != 'OK': break log(b) return b except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) # some type of error occurred return b'' ##################################################################### # Get SIM Card ICCID Number ##################################################################### def iccid(): # modem must be registered to network to get ICCID try: log("get SIM card ICCID") a = at("AT+SQNCCID?") # example response: ['+SQNCCID: "89014103271203065543",""', 'OK'] if a[1] != 'OK': return '' s = a[0] if s[0:9] != '+SQNCCID:': return '' a = s.split(",") n = len(a[0]) r = a[0][11:n-1] except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) r = '' log("ICCID = {0}".format(r)) return r # ICCID as string ##################################################################### # Get Modem IMEI Number ##################################################################### def imei(): try: log("get modem IMEI number") a = at("AT+CGSN=1") # example response: ['+CGSN: "354347094028575"', 'OK'] if a[1] != 'OK': return '' s = a[0] if s[0:6] != '+CGSN:': return '' n = len(s) r = s[8:n-1] except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) r = '' log("IMEI = {0}".format(r)) return r # IMEI as string ##################################################################### # Initialize Modem ##################################################################### def init_modem(): try: log("initializing modem") if uart == None: init_uart() enable_modem() # set profile #1 parameters for HTTP connection # prof_id=1 (profile), ip, port, auth_type=0 (None), username="", password="", # ssl_enabled=0, timeout, cid=1 (PDN Context Identifier) server = g.oIni.host_ip # note: host_name could also be used (auto DNS lookup) port = g.oIni.host_port timeout = 10 # secs to wait for response from server cmd = 'AT+SQNHTTPCFG=1,"{0}",{1},0,"","",0,{2},1'.format(server, port, timeout) a = at(cmd) if a[0] != 'OK': log("error initializing modem") set_sms_mode() except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Initialize Uart Connected To LTE Modem ##################################################################### def init_uart(): global uart # pins=(TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS) # FiPy: pins=('P20', 'P18', 'P19', 'P17') # GPy: pins=('P5', 'P98', 'P7', 'P99') log("initializing UART") # rx_buffer_size: must be > 127, 200000 works, 250000 crashes, http_post seems to work with any size uart = UART(1, baudrate=921600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout_chars=2, pins=('P5', 'P98', 'P7', 'P99'), rx_buffer_size=512) ##################################################################### # Is Cellular Modem Attached To Packet Domain Service ##################################################################### def isattached(): # returns: True/False try: a = at('AT+CGATT?') if a[0][0:9] == '+CGATT: 1': return True except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) return False ##################################################################### # Reset Modem ##################################################################### def reset_modem(): try: log("reseting modem...") a = at('AT^RESET') # generates +SHUTDOWN ... +SYSSTART responses if a[0] != 'OK': log("error resetting modem") if a[1] != '+SHUTDOWN': log("error resetting modem") a = get_modem_response() if a[0] != '+SYSSTART': log("error resetting modem") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Check Modem For Restart/Crash ##################################################################### def restarted(): # return True if modem has crashed / restarted try: # if CFUN != 1, modem has crashed / restarted r = get_cfun() if r != 1: return True # if SMS text mode is reset to zero, modem has crashed / restarted mode = get_sms_mode() if mode != 1: return True return False except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) return True ##################################################################### # Set SMS Mode To Text ##################################################################### def set_sms_mode(): try: log("set SMS mode to text") a = at('AT+CMGF=1') # set SMS mode to text if a[0] != 'OK': log("error setting SMS mode to text") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Get Signal Strength ##################################################################### def signal_strength(): # 0-31, 99-unknown try: while True: log("check signal strength") a = at('AT+CSQ') # example response: ['+CSQ: 18,99', 'OK'] where 18 is signal strength if a[1] != 'OK': break s = a[0] if (s[0:5] != "+CSQ:"): break n = len(s) s = s[6:n-1] a = s.split(",") cell_signal = int(a[0]) g.oStatus.cell_signal = cell_signal log("signal strength = {0}".format(cell_signal)) return cell_signal except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) # unknown signal strength g.oStatus.cell_signal = 99 log("signal strength unknown") return 99 ##################################################################### # Delete Read, Sent, and Unsent SMS Messages ##################################################################### def sms_delete(): try: log("delete all READ, SENT, and UNSENT SMS messages") a = at('AT+CMGD=1,3') if a[0] != 'OK': log("error trying to delete read, sent, and unsent SMS messages") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Delete All SMS Messages ##################################################################### def sms_delete_all(): # doesn't work until some time after lte.attach() is called try: log("delete all SMS messages") a = at('AT+CMGD=1,4') if a[0] != 'OK': log("error trying to delete all SMS messages") except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Process SMS Messages ##################################################################### def sms_process(r): # example response: # ['+CMGL: 1,"REC READ","+19999999999",,"19/01/07,09:16:53-20"', 'Test3', '+CMGL: 2,"REC READ","+19999999999",,"19/01/07,11:12:30-20"', 'Test4', 'OK'] try: for m in r: if (m[0:5] == "+CMGL"): continue # process SMS messages except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Read Unread SMS Messages ##################################################################### def sms_read(): # response example: ['+CMGL: 1,"REC UNREAD","+1999999999",,"19/01/07,09:16:53-20"', 'Test3', 'OK'] a = at('AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD"') return a ##################################################################### # Read All SMS Messages ##################################################################### def sms_read_all(): # response example: # ['+CMGL: 1,"REC READ","+19999999999",,"19/01/07,09:16:53-20"', 'Test3', '+CMGL: 2,"REC READ","+19999999999",,"19/01/07,11:12:30-20"', 'Test4', 'OK'] a = at('AT+CMGL="ALL"') return a ##################################################################### # Wait For N Received Chars ##################################################################### def wait_rx(n, timeout=10000): # timeout in msecs t0 = ticks_ms() while True: if uart.any() >= n: break t1 = ticks_ms() tx = ticks_diff(t1, t0) if tx > timeout: return False return True ##################################################################### # Wait For Specific Modem Response ##################################################################### def wait_response(response, msecs=10000): log('wait up to {0} msecs for modem response: {1}'.format(msecs, response)) t0 = ticks_ms() while True: try: a = at('AT') for x in a: if x == response: log('****modem response found****: ' + response) return True t1 = ticks_ms() tx = ticks_diff(t1, t0) log('{0} msecs'.format(tx)) if tx > msecs: log('modem response not found: ' + response) return False sleep_ms(500) except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Test #1 ##################################################################### def test1(): try: log("test basic modem functions") if uart == None: init_uart() while True: # reset_modem() enable_modem() set_sms_mode() imei() iccid() while True: r = check_registration() if (r == 1) or (r == 5): # modem registered iccid() attach() return if restarted(): print('MODEM crash/restart detected') return print(signal_strength()) sleep_ms(1000) except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Example HTTP Get ##################################################################### def test2(): try: log("test HTTP get") at('AT+SQNHTTPCFG=1,"",80,0,"","",0,120,1') # some sites require "User-Agent" header # ex: at('AT+SQNHTTPQRY=1,0,"/","User-Agent: Test1"') at('AT+SQNHTTPQRY=1,0,"/get"') get_modem_response() at('AT+SQNHTTPRCV=1,0') except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) ##################################################################### # Example HTTP Post ##################################################################### def test3(size=10): try: log("test HTTP post") while True: a = at('AT+SQNHTTPCFG=1,"",80,0,"","",0,120,1') if a[0] != 'OK': break m = "X"*size log("writing message: {0}".format(m)) log("post message length: {0}".format(size)) a = at('AT+SQNHTTPSND=1,0,"/post",{0}'.format(size)) if a[0] != '> ': break uart.write(m) a = get_modem_response() if a[0] != 'OK': break # modem responds with "+SQNHTTPRING: <prof_id,<http_status_code>,<content_type>,<data_size>" a = get_modem_response() s = a[0] if s[0:13] != "+SQNHTTPRING:": break a = s.split(",") n = int(a[3]) log("response message length: {0}".format(n)) # get response cmd = 'AT+SQNHTTPRCV=1,0\r' log(" modem command: {0}".format(cmd)) uart.write(cmd) wait_rx(5, 10000) # wait for b'\r\n<<<' b = log(" modem response: {0}".format(b)) if b[2:5] != b'<<<': break wait_rx(n, 10000) # wait for response b = log(" modem response: {0}".format(b)) a = get_modem_response() if a[0] != 'OK': break log(b) return b except Exception as ex: sys.print_exception(ex) # some type of error occurred return b'' test1()
I'm trying the code on the link but it doesn't recognize the global and util libraries. What can I do about this situation? Is it a firmware related situation? firmware: Pycom MicroPython 1.20.2.r0
Can you guys help me?
Thanks for all reply!!!
You can run globals without doing an import. For example
if not 'lte' in globals(): lte=LTE()
works on my gpy.
I think the guy made his own file with credentials etc called 'globals', and 'utils' with different utility functions. They are not included in the firmware by defaultGijs