BH1750 always give 0 lx
I have a problem with BH1750 light sensor.
It is inside a sensorial node and communicate with LoPy by I2C bus.
In the first cicle, i have a correct measure, for example (light is the first value: 79):79;22.0;63.5;1017.7;17;25;32;82;2021-02-17 10:53:55
From 2nd, i have always 0.
This is the code:from sht10 import SHT10 from machine import Pin import time import pycom import struct import math import bh1750fvi import bme680 from i2c import I2CAdapter from hm3301 import HM3301 from network import Sigfox import socket import utime from machine import I2C import machine from network import WLAN from machine import RTC from machine import SD import os import sys pycom.heartbeat(False) # disable the blue blinking # ____ SD _____ try: sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') # check the content os.listdir('/sd') # f = open('/sd/data.csv', 'w') except: print("Error: no SD") sys.exit(1) # ____ WiFi connession _____ # configure the WLAN subsystem in station mode (the default is AP) print("Configuring WLAN...") wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) # go for fixed IP settings (IP, Subnet, Gateway, DNS) wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', '')) wlan.scan() # scan for available networks wlan.connect(ssid='*********', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, '*********')) while not wlan.isconnected(): pass print(wlan.ifconfig()) time.sleep(5) # ____ Update time _____ print("Update time...") rtc = RTC() rtc.ntp_sync("") data_pin = 'P9' sck_pin = 'P10' p_out_light = Pin('P20', mode=Pin.OUT) p_out_light.value(1) time.sleep(1) #i2c_var = I2CAdapter(pins=(data_pin, sck_pin)) i2c=I2C(0, I2C.MASTER) i2c.scan() #print(i2c_var.scan()) p_out_light.value(0) # Pin off try: while True: f = open('/sd/data.csv', 'a') date = p_out_light.value(1) print("---- PIN ON ----") time.sleep(1) pycom.rgbled(0xFFA500) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0xFFA500) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0xFFA500) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0xFFA500) time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(0.5) print("Measuring...") output = "" # Luminosità i2c_var = I2CAdapter(pins=(data_pin, sck_pin)) #i2c_var.writeto(i2c_var.scan()[0], bytes([0x10])) light_sensor = bh1750fvi.BH1750FVI(i2c_var) # print("LUX:") print(i2c_var.scan()[0]) lux = i2c_var.writeto(i2c_var.scan()[0], bytes([0x10])) #print(lux) output = str(lux) + ";" time.sleep(1) #time.sleep(1) # Temperatura sht = SHT10(data_pin, sck_pin) tmp = sht.readTemp() hum = sht.readHum() output += "{:.1f};{:.1f};".format(round(tmp,1), round(hum,1)) time.sleep(1) # Pressione i2c_dev = I2CAdapter(pins=(data_pin, sck_pin)) # print("PRESSION:") print(i2c_dev.scan()[1]) # dev_add = i2c_dev.findSlaves() # print(dev_add) sensor = bme680.BME680(i2c_device=i2c_dev, i2c_addr=i2c_dev.scan()[1]) # se da errore "index out of range", cambiare da 1 a 0, poi da 0 ad 1 e ricaricare 4-5 volte sensor.set_pressure_oversample(bme680.OS_4X) sensor.set_filter(bme680.FILTER_SIZE_3) if sensor.get_sensor_data(): output += "{:.1f};".format(round(,1)) time.sleep(1) # PM time.sleep(1) hm = HM3301('P21', 'P22') # P21 -> data , P22 -> clock #hm.findSlaves() pm1 = hm.readStandardPM() dep_string = "" pm_index_count = 0 # indice per PM c_pm1 = 0 c_pm10 = 0 c_pm25 = 0 for digit in pm1: pm_index_count += 1 if pm_index_count == 1: c_pm1 = digit elif pm_index_count == 2: c_pm25 = digit elif pm_index_count == 3: c_pm10 = digit time.sleep(1) pm2 = hm.readAtmosphericPM() dep_string = "" pm_index_count = 0 # indice per PM c_pm1atm = 0 c_pm10atm = 0 c_pm25atm = 0 for digit in pm2: pm_index_count += 1 if pm_index_count == 1: c_pm1atm = digit elif pm_index_count == 2: c_pm25atm = digit elif pm_index_count == 3: c_pm10atm = digit time.sleep(1) # Media tra valori PM std e PM atm c_pm1_fin = (c_pm1 + c_pm1atm) / 2 c_pm10_fin = (c_pm10 + c_pm10atm) / 2 c_pm25_fin = (c_pm25 + c_pm25atm) / 2 output += str(round(c_pm1_fin)) + ";" + str(round(c_pm25_fin)) + ";" + str(round(c_pm10_fin)) + ";" vl_pm10 = 50 # limite giornaliero PM10 -> è 50 per la legge italiana vl_pm25 = 25 # limite giornaliero PM2.5 # PM1 -> NON é POSSIBILE INSERIRLI PERCHé NON C'é UN LIMITE GIORNALIERO MESSO PER LEGGE # sottoindici i_pm10 = (c_pm10_fin / vl_pm10) * 100 i_pm25 = (c_pm25_fin / vl_pm25) * 100 index_pm = round((i_pm10 + i_pm25) / 2) if index_pm >= 0 and index_pm <= 50: dep_pm = 1 # "OTTIMA" elif index_pm > 50 and index_pm <= 75: dep_pm = 2 # "BUONA" elif index_pm > 75 and index_pm <= 100: dep_pm = 3 # "DISCRETA" elif index_pm > 100 and index_pm <= 125: dep_pm = 4 # "MEDIOCRE" elif index_pm > 125 and index_pm <= 150: dep_pm = 5 # "POCO SALUBRE" elif index_pm > 150 and index_pm <= 175: dep_pm = 6 # "INSALUBRE" elif index_pm > 175: dep_pm = 7 # "MOLTO INSALUBRE" # init Sigfox for RCZ1 (Europe) print("Init SigFox...") sigfox = Sigfox(mode=Sigfox.SIGFOX, rcz=Sigfox.RCZ1) # create a Sigfox socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_SIGFOX, socket.SOCK_RAW) # make the socket blocking s.setblocking(True) # configure it as uplink only s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SIGFOX, socket.SO_RX, False) # send AQI my_string = str(round(tmp))+";"+str(round(hum))+";"+str(dep_pm) my_bytes = my_string.encode('utf-8') s.send(my_bytes) time.sleep(5) time.sleep(1) pycom.rgbled(0x2eff00) time.sleep(1) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(1) output += str(index_pm) + ";" dateUTC = '{:02d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(date[0],date[1],date[2],date[3],date[4],date[5]) output += str(dateUTC) #timestamp print(output) # try some standard file operations, 2) # seek to end f.write(output+"\r\n") f.close() p_out_light.value(0) print("---- PIN OFF ----\n\n") index_time = 1 #600 # effettuo 6 misurazioni all'ora, 1 ogni 10 min while(index_time > 0): if index_time % 2: pycom.rgbled(0x4F3394) else: pycom.rgbled(0x000000) time.sleep(1) index_time = index_time - 1 pycom.rgbled(0x000000) s.close() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n---- END POLLING ----\n") f.close() pass
I have found something similar in forum (here) but i don't know how to solve this problem.
Sorry for my english!
Thanks a lot.
@rcolistete Thank you but for this thesis' project i have only this type of sensor.
I'll remember it!
I suggest anoter light sensor, MAX44009, better than BH1750 : low power (about 1 uA), "ultra-wide 22-bit dynamic range from 0.045 lux to 188,000 lux", etc.
for me it looks like a fastest way to werify
@livius I probably damaged it: yesterday, for a second, I connected GND and Vcc by reversing them. Since then, the sensor has worked like this. The only way, i think, is trying with another BH1750 to verificate if it is damaged or not, do you think?
If you have tried this sensor with different hardware and still problem occurs then probably some problem with sensor itself.
I use this sensor long long time and i have not any problems.
@livius Thanks for reply.
I tried this sensor in single in another shield (Arduino UNO) and there was always this problem.
I could try with P21 and P22 which I am already using for the PM sensor, but for me this is not an I2C bus problem ...
Did you tried on different pins then P9 and P10?
And how this sensor behave if you have onlyimport
releated to i2c and all otheres devicess are not connected?
I meen simple code without sd card, wifi, .....
I ask because for me it is working without any problems form months
@Matthew-Felgate-0 I have tried but this is the ouput:
Configuring WLAN... ('', '', '', '') Update time... ---- PIN ON ---- Measuring... 35 119 Init SigFox... 205;21.2;62.8;1016.0;19;28;33;89;2021-02-17 15:22:11 ---- PIN OFF ---- ---- PIN ON ---- Measuring... 35 119 Init SigFox... 0;21.2;62.7;1016.0;16;24;28;74;2021-02-17 15:22:44 ---- PIN OFF ---- ---- PIN ON ---- Measuring... 35 119 Init SigFox... 0;21.2;62.9;1015.9;28;38;42;116;2021-02-17 15:23:16 ---- PIN OFF ----
It doesn't work correctly
Can you try reading the sensor twice?
(and throw away the first result)light_sensor_temp = bh1750fvi.BH1750FVI(i2c_var) light_sensor = bh1750fvi.BH1750FVI(i2c_var)