Setting up a single channel for connection to the gateway
I am planning to build a single channel gateway using the Lora Hat and Raspberry Pi 3 to send values from my Lopy4 to TTN. I've found a program from a tutorial but the person that programmed it lives in the states(USA).
How can I modify this program so I can use it in my area?
Any insights to this will help a lot and I'm open to hearing any suggestions
Thank you.#Setup the single channel for connection to the gateway for channel in range(0, 72): lora.remove_channel(channel) for chan in range(0, 8): lora.add_channel(chan, frequency=freq, dr_min=0, dr_max=3)
@Benjamin-Mavinga Which region code are you using?
@Gijs I was trying to modify it to work in my country but I see now all I have to do is to find out how many available LoRa channels there are in then country and place it where " 72 " is.
The code you mention should work for a Lopy4.. Im not really sure what you're after here?