Capture and save the traceback from error
I'm using my LoPys (lopy4) far away from my home, it means that if they have an error I can't go in a few days to see what's happening. Actually these days I'm having an error that I don't know what's happening.
My question is, can I save in a txt file the traceback info? This is very interesting because I will know the file and line where the error happened and I don't need to be in real time watching the console.
Actually I'm using the reset info,
, but is not enough.I thought using
but with this I can capture the exception, but not the callback. Furthermore I'm not sure I'm doing correctly because I have atry/except
at the start of each file and this can't be optimum. Like# try: # All my "" code. except Exception as e: print(e) # Now I'm printing but I will write a txt file
# try: class Clock: def __init__(self): # Code def func1(self): # Code except Exception as e: print(e)
You know how to do this like a pro?
Thank you very much!
@M-m I put mine in a function def logtraceback(e): which I call from any Exception as e: where I want to log the traceback.
@kjm First of all, thank you very much for answering. I'm happy to see that I was in the correct way, but now my question is, where I have to put this code? In my main? In each function? In each class?
except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) # see the traceback from uio import StringIO; s=StringIO(); sys.print_exception(e, s) # puts traceback into variable s, does not actually print s=s.getvalue(); s.replace('"',"").replace("'",'') # remove quotes that might confuse error logging via https
after this bit of massaging s is a sting you can save to a file. As provided to me by robert-hh (knowledgeable forum stalwart) a year or so ago when I was a python newbie.