FiPy - Problem with AWS example

  • Hello, I try to connect my FiPy to AWS IoT and I'm facing an error when I run the example code:
    Socket create error: Network card not available

    Is this problem with the code? with FiPy?
    My FiPy is connected fine to my WiFi and to Pybytes.

    Any chance anyone here knows how to fix this? or has another tutorial to connect FiPy to AWS IoT?


  • Is your problem solved?
    I am new with FiPy and trying to connect to AWS IoT with the example here(


    getting certificate error!
    Can you please me help me out.

  • Not sure exactly what is causing this, could you share some of the relevant code you're trying to run? I occasionally see this message, but its always caused by not being connected to a network.

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