WiFi Manager LoPy4
I am running wifi manager on LoPy4 I need to made changes to make it work with LoPy 4 but it doesn't work for me pleas if someone can help me .
@hamza-charhour how is it not working? What do you expect it to do, and what does it actually do? What are you trying to connect with? How? What happens?
import network import socket import ure import time from network import WLAN wlan = WLAN() NETWORK_PROFILES = 'wifi.dat' wlan_sta = network.WLAN(mode=network.WLAN.STA) server_socket = None def get_connection(): """return a working WLAN(STA_IF) instance or None""" # First check if there already is any connection: if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return wlan_sta connected = False try: # ESP connecting to WiFi takes time, wait a bit and try again: time.sleep(3) if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return wlan_sta # Read known network profiles from file profiles = read_profiles() # Search WiFis in range wlan_sta.active(True) networks = wlan_sta.scan() AUTHMODE = {0: "open", 1: "WEP", 2: "WPA2", 3: "WPA2-PSK", 4: "WPA/WPA2-PSK"} for ssid, bssid, channel, rssi, authmode, hidden in sorted(networks, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True): ssid = ssid.decode('utf-8') encrypted = authmode > 0 print("ssid: %s chan: %d rssi: %d authmode: %s" % (ssid, channel, rssi, AUTHMODE.get(authmode, '?'))) if encrypted: if ssid in profiles: password = profiles[ssid] connected = do_connect(ssid, password) else: print("skipping unknown encrypted network") else: # open connected = do_connect(ssid, None) if connected: break except OSError as e: print("exception", str(e)) # start web server for connection manager: if not connected: connected = start() return wlan_sta if connected else None def read_profiles(): with open(NETWORK_PROFILES) as f: lines = f.readlines() profiles = {} for line in lines: ssid, password = line.strip("\n").split(";") profiles[ssid] = password return profiles def write_profiles(profiles): lines = [] for ssid, password in profiles.items(): lines.append("%s;%s\n" % (ssid, password)) with open(NETWORK_PROFILES, "w") as f: f.write(''.join(lines)) def send_header(client, status_code=200, content_length=None ): client.sendall("HTTP/1.0 {} OK\r\n".format(status_code)) client.sendall("Content-Type: text/html\r\n") if content_length is not None: client.sendall("Content-Length: {}\r\n".format(content_length)) client.sendall("\r\n") def send_response(client, payload, status_code=200): content_length = len(payload) send_header(client, status_code, content_length) if content_length > 0: client.sendall(payload) client.close() def handle_root(client): wlan_sta.active(True) ssids = sorted(ssid.decode('utf-8') for ssid, *_ in wlan_sta.scan()) send_header(client) client.sendall("""\ <html> <h1 style="color: #5e9ca0; text-align: center;"> <span style="color: #ff0000;"> Wi-Fi Client Setup </span> </h1> <form action="configure" method="post"> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <tbody> """) while len(ssids): ssid = ssids.pop(0) client.sendall("""\ <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="radio" name="ssid" value="{0}" />{0} </td> </tr> """.format(ssid)) client.sendall("""\ <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input name="password" type="password" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="text-align: center;"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </p> </form> <p> </p> <hr /> <h5> <span style="color: #ff0000;"> Your ssid and password information will be saved into the "%(filename)s" file in your ESP module for future usage. Be careful about security! </span> </h5> <hr /> <h2 style="color: #2e6c80;"> Some useful infos: </h2> <ul> <li> Original code from <a href="https://github.com/cpopp/MicroPythonSamples" target="_blank" rel="noopener">cpopp/MicroPythonSamples</a>. </li> <li> This code available at <a href="https://github.com/tayfunulu/WiFiManager" target="_blank" rel="noopener">tayfunulu/WiFiManager</a>. </li> </ul> </html> """ % dict(filename=NETWORK_PROFILES)) client.close() def handle_configure(client, request): match = ure.search("ssid=([^&]*)&password=(.*)", request) if match is None: send_response(client, "Parameters not found", status_code=400) return False # version 1.9 compatibility try: ssid = match.group(1).decode("utf-8").replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") password = match.group(2).decode("utf-8").replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") except Exception: ssid = match.group(1).replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") password = match.group(2).replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") if len(ssid) == 0: send_response(client, "SSID must be provided", status_code=400) return False if do_connect(ssid, password): response = """\ <html> <center> <br><br> <h1 style="color: #5e9ca0; text-align: center;"> <span style="color: #ff0000;"> ESP successfully connected to WiFi network %(ssid)s. </span> </h1> <br><br> </center> </html> """ % dict(ssid=ssid) send_response(client, response) try: profiles = read_profiles() except OSError: profiles = {} profiles[ssid] = password write_profiles(profiles) time.sleep(5) return True else: response = """\ <html> <center> <h1 style="color: #5e9ca0; text-align: center;"> <span style="color: #ff0000;"> ESP could not connect to WiFi network %(ssid)s. </span> </h1> <br><br> <form> <input type="button" value="Go back!" onclick="history.back()"></input> </form> </center> </html> """ % dict(ssid=ssid) send_response(client, response) return False def handle_not_found(client, url): send_response(client, "Path not found: {}".format(url), status_code=404) def stop(): global server_socket if server_socket: server_socket.close() server_socket = None def start(port=80): global server_socket addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', port)[0][-1] stop() wlan_sta.active(True) wlan.init(mode=WLAN.AP, ssid='hello world') server_socket = socket.socket() server_socket.bind(addr) server_socket.listen(1) print('Connect to WiFi ssid ' + ssid ) print('and access the ESP via your favorite web browser at') print('Listening on:', addr) while True: if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return True client, addr = server_socket.accept() print('client connected from', addr) try: client.settimeout(5.0) request = b"" try: while "\r\n\r\n" not in request: request += client.recv(512) except OSError: pass print("Request is: {}".format(request)) if "HTTP" not in request: # skip invalid requests continue # version 1.9 compatibility try: url = ure.search("(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).decode("utf-8").rstrip("/") except Exception: url = ure.search("(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).rstrip("/") print("URL is {}".format(url)) if url == "": handle_root(client) elif url == "configure": handle_configure(client, request) else: handle_not_found(client, url) finally: client.close()
@hamza-charhour Unless you state what doesn't work (what you expect it to do, what it actually does, what errors and logs you get...) or what changes you need to make, it's going to be quite difficult for anyone to help you...