Pycoproc function TypeError: function takes 2 positional arguments but 1 were given in PySense board i am trying to use accelerometer wake up interrupt example from pycom webpage

  • I am trying to use accelerometer movement as interrupt to wake the pysense board, but when creating an object for pycoproc() function and uploading it to board, there is a typeError show as it require 2 positional argument but only 1 were given.
    i am run the same code given in the pycom examples.
    Here is the code:

    # This script demonstrates two examples:
    # * go to ultra low power mode (~10uA @3.75V) with all sensors, incl accelerometer and also pycom module (Fipy, Gpy, etc) off - tap the MCLR button for this
    # * go to low power mode (~165uA @3.75V) with accelerometer on, pycom module in deepsleep and wake from accelerometer interrupt - hold the MCLR button down for this
    # See for more information regarding library specifics
    import time
    import pycom
    import struct
    from machine import Pin
    from pycoproc import Pycoproc
    import machine
    from LIS2HH12 import LIS2HH12
    from SI7006A20 import SI7006A20
    from LTR329ALS01 import LTR329ALS01
    from MPL3115A2 import MPL3115A2,ALTITUDE,PRESSURE
    def accelerometer():
        print("ACCELEROMETER:", "accel:", accelerometer_sensor.acceleration(), "roll:", accelerometer_sensor.roll(), "pitch:", accelerometer_sensor.pitch(), "x/y/z:", accelerometer_sensor.x, accelerometer_sensor.y, accelerometer_sensor.z )
    def activity_int_handler(pin_o):
        if pin_o():
            pycom.rgbled(0x00000A) # blue
            pycom.rgbled(0x0A0A00) # yellow
    def activity_int_handler_none(pin_o):
    sleep_time_s = 300 # 5 min
    pycom.rgbled(0x0a0a0a) # white
    print("pycoproc init")
    py = Pycoproc()
    print("battery {:.2f} V".format(py.read_battery_voltage()))
    # init accelerometer
    accelerometer_sensor = LIS2HH12()
    # read accelerometer sensor values
    print("enable accelerometer interrupt")
    # enable_activity_interrupt( [mG], [ms], callback)
    # accelerometer_sensor.enable_activity_interrupt(8000, 200, activity_int_handler) # low sensitivty
    # accelerometer_sensor.enable_activity_interrupt(2000, 200, activity_int_handler) # medium sensitivity
    accelerometer_sensor.enable_activity_interrupt( 100, 200, activity_int_handler) # high sensitivity
    # accelerometer_sensor.enable_activity_interrupt(63, 160, activity_int_handler) # ultra sensitivty
    print("enable pycom module to wake up from accelerometer interrupt")
    wake_pins = [Pin('P13', mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN)]
    machine.pin_sleep_wakeup(wake_pins, machine.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH, True)
    print("put pycoproc to sleep and pycom module to deepsleep")
    py.go_to_sleep(pycom_module_off=False, accelerometer_off=False, wake_interrupt=True)
    machine.deepsleep(sleep_time_s * 1000)
    print("we never reach here!")

    and here is the output error:

    Smart Provisioning started in the background
    See for details
    pycoproc init
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 39, in <module>
    TypeError: function takes 2 positional arguments but 1 were given
    Pycom MicroPython 1.20.2.r1 [v1.11-09d3ee1] on 2020-02-09; FiPy with ESP32
    Pybytes Version: 1.3.1

    Plese help me in resolving these error as i am new to these topics.

  • Depending on which hardware version of the Pysense you're using, you should load the correct pycoproc file. You can find the latest versions of the file here: is for Pysense v2.0 X, where is for Pysense 1. This also changes the initialisation argument. For Pysense 1, you should put py = Pycoproc(Pycoproc.PYSENSE), whereas Pycoproc 2 does not require an argument

    To get a working example, you can load one of the zip files from here: for the correct board version

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