Pymakr Online: Lopy4 and FiPy offline

  • I have integrated and connected a LoPy4 and Fipy against Pybytes. I see that they connect to the platform but when I want to use Pymakr they are permanently offline. Do you know what it can be?

    Pybytes configuration read from /flash/pybytes_config.json
    Not starting Pybytes as auto-start is disabled
    WMAC: 807D3A93xxxx
    Firmware: 1.20.2.r0
    Pybytes: 1.5.1
    WMAC: 807D3A93xxxx
    Firmware: 1.20.2.r0
    Pybytes: 1.5.1
    Initialized watchdog for WiFi and LTE connection with timeout 1260000 ms
    WiFi connection established
    Connected to MQTT

  • I have same issue with Fipy. Sometimes it was online and sometimes offline, quite unstable. but last days just offline, even disconnecting and connencting to wifi manually did not help. But in device manager I can see last response in seconds

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