Writing to a BLE Characteristic

  • Hi there,

    Unsure if this is the correct place to post this question; I've looked around and can't find anywhere else to put it. If I'm wrong to post this here, please feel free to direct me.

    I've successfully implemented a BLE stack with 5 characteristics in CircuitPython.

    • Four are set to "READ": I'm transmitting sensor information via these characteristics, and record these upon the reception of the first advertisement by the CENTRAL.

    • The Fifth is "READ|WRITE": I want the CENTRAL to write an integer to this value corresponding to the index of a record the PERIPHERAL has ready to transmit. (e.g. PERIPHERAL has 3 records to transmit, CENTRAL requests each in-turn by writing values 1-3 to this Fifth characteristic).

    This works fine in CPy. However, I'm not sure how to write to the specific WRITABLE characteristic using MPy/Pycom Python here.

    Note: I do have the UUID of the characteristic I'm trying to write to.

    Any help on how this is meant to be done in MPy/Pycom Python?

    Best wishes and thanks,


  • Figured this out. When connected, I can query all characteristics and create references to them - easy.

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