HELP! with LTE connectivity loss
I've been searching some solutions for my LTE connectivity loss, and I've seen that it's a common issue, but can not implement the right solution. May someone help me?
Now the solution it's to do a power reset to re-start the program and do the connection again. But it's not possible in my final solution. I need it to be sending PV data each minute during all day.
I've try using the WDT as explained in here. But as lte.isconnected() doesn't return False when the connection is lost, I don't know how to be aware when the connection falls to force a re-start.
When trying this example I get the following error:
NameError: name 'lte_callback' isn't defined
Could anyone explain me how should I define this and make it work?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks! Now it's working
The callback example does work, only you need to change the last line to :
lte.lte_callback(LTE.EVENT_BREAK, lte_cb_handler)