How to transfer ownership ?

  • I bought a secondhand Pycom miner without sdcard.
    Flashed a sd-card with firmware (maybe Nebra)
    Miner booting and is online now.

    Now I want to transfer ownership:
    I have the old 12 word seed and i got the miner name and the old location.
    Now I want to transfer the ownership to my own wallet how do I need to do that.

    I used the Pycom Helium App / maker app but transfer hotspot is not working it does nothing.
    Do i need a Nebra app for this ?
    Who can help me and explain this ?

    (I have an old 12 word seed phrase from that miner
    I got the miner name
    and old location from the hotspot
    but all the rewards are going to a wallet with 499 hotspots maybe from Pycom?)
    How to transfer the ownership for this miner ?
    Is there a discord channel ?

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