"Error connecting Helium Hotspot Miner with application"

  • Hello:
    We have two devices (Helium Hotspot Miner), and we have done the following:
    1- The SD card that came installed with the device was removed.
    2- The firmware was flashed on a new SD card (https://software.pycom.io/downloads/pycom-miner.bin.zip).
    3- The new SD card is inserted into the device after the flash.
    4- The booting process indicated that the device was functioning correctly (first a solid green color for the state-led, the one above the power led, then blinking, waiting to be paired)
    5- The pairing process was retried both with the Apple version of the Pymaker app and the Android version.

    The error that we faced:

    • On the Apple devices side, The same error appeared when we tried with the original SD that came with the device: “Could not read firmware version.”
    • The devices could not even be found on the Android version side.

    What are the suggested solutions to solve this problem?
    error msg.jpg

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