I2C support clock stretching ?
Does the Pycom ( wipy, lopy, sipy etc )I2C support clock stretching?
Hi @livius, yes mailbox! here is the text in the documentation of the CCS811 chip:
Programming Model:
For flexibility and software driver maintenance simplification the CCS811 does not support direct addressing of registers over the I2C bus. Instead it supports single byte mailboxes identifiers that behave as proxies for registers with specific functionality and data sizes.
To access a register an I2C transaction must be issued with the target address on the CCS811 being equal to the intended mailbox, this by way of proxy opens access to the register's functionality. In this manner the programming model is rigidy fixed while allowing the underlying firmware to be inherently flexible, extensible and configurable.That's chinese for me!
mailboxes ?
Hi @livius, many thanks for your rapid answer.
Could you explain the difference between direct write to registers and via mailboxes ?
should, with current firmware and bus 0 or 1 yes
with bus 2 (which is software based) no