MQTT Client / subscriber
I am a student and for my final project I use a LoPy.
Great controller, lots of support, I/O, possibilities...
But now I ran into a problem.
I want to create an application that needs to send MQTT messages but also has to receive them.
The first part, sending MQTT messages, is not a problem and is working as described in the examples but I can't figure out how I can receive them.I hope one of the more advanced users can help me.
Thank you a lotThis is my code:
def t3_publication(topic, msg): print (topic, ':', msg) pycom.rgbled(0xff00) client = MQTTClient("d:j0y4ca:TestDevice:T04", "", port=0, user="use-token-auth", password="mytoken") client.settimeout = timeout client.connect() client.set_callback(t3_publication) client.subscribe("iot-2/evt/status") time.sleep(1) client.check_msg()
Was this issue resolved? Having same issue, same code!
Hi @Senna,
I'm waiting for the docs updates to be pushed live but you'll see an update made to the page for MQTT that matches my Alex's Corner video explaining how it all works!
Might be useful to you!
Your firmware is outdated, please update to the latest v1.6.13.b1.Don't use anymore, it is also outdated.
Instead go to mqtt and download the new library file there.Also check out week 4 of Alex's corner where he explains how to use it.
(sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.0.1.b1', version='v1.8.6-264-gadacebe on 2016-12-22', machine='LoPy with ESP32')
from simple import MQTTClient import machine import time import pycom wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) wlan.antenna(WLAN.EXT_ANT) wlan.connect("IoT", auth=(WLAN.WPA2, "MyPassword"), timeout=5000) def t3_publication(topic, msg): print (topic, ':', msg) pycom.rgbled(0xff00) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() client = MQTTClient("d:j0y4ca:TestDevice:T04", "", port=0, user="use-token-auth", password="MyToken") client.settimeout = 5 client.connect() client.set_callback(t3_publication) client.subscribe("iot-2/evt/status") time.sleep(1) client.check_msg()
import ustruct as struct class MQTTException(Exception): pass class MQTTClient: def __init__(self, client_id, server, port=0, user=None, password=None, keepalive=0, ssl=False, ssl_params={}): if port == 0: port = 8883 if ssl else 1883 self.client_id = client_id self.sock = None self.addr = socket.getaddrinfo(server, port)[0][-1] self.ssl = ssl self.ssl_params = ssl_params = 0 self.cb = None self.user = user self.pswd = password self.keepalive = keepalive self.lw_topic = None self.lw_msg = None self.lw_qos = 0 self.lw_retain = False def _send_str(self, s): self.sock.write(struct.pack("!H", len(s))) self.sock.write(s) def _recv_len(self): n = 0 sh = 0 while 1: b =[0] n |= (b & 0x7f) << sh if not b & 0x80: return n sh += 7 def set_callback(self, f): self.cb = f def set_last_will(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0): assert 0 <= qos <= 2 assert topic self.lw_topic = topic self.lw_msg = msg self.lw_qos = qos self.lw_retain = retain def connect(self, clean_session=True): self.sock = socket.socket() self.sock.connect(self.addr) if self.ssl: import ussl self.sock = ussl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **self.ssl_params) msg = bytearray(b"\x10\0\0\x04MQTT\x04\x02\0\0") msg[1] = 10 + 2 + len(self.client_id) msg[9] = clean_session << 1 if self.user is not None: msg[1] += 2 + len(self.user) + 2 + len(self.pswd) msg[9] |= 0xC0 if self.keepalive: assert self.keepalive < 65536 msg[10] |= self.keepalive >> 8 msg[11] |= self.keepalive & 0x00FF if self.lw_topic: msg[1] += 2 + len(self.lw_topic) + 2 + len(self.lw_msg) msg[9] |= 0x4 | (self.lw_qos & 0x1) << 3 | (self.lw_qos & 0x2) << 3 msg[9] |= self.lw_retain << 5 self.sock.write(msg) #print(hex(len(msg)), hexlify(msg, ":")) self._send_str(self.client_id) if self.lw_topic: self._send_str(self.lw_topic) self._send_str(self.lw_msg) if self.user is not None: self._send_str(self.user) self._send_str(self.pswd) resp = assert resp[0] == 0x20 and resp[1] == 0x02 if resp[3] != 0: raise MQTTException(resp[3]) return resp[2] & 1 def disconnect(self): self.sock.write(b"\xe0\0") self.sock.close() def ping(self): self.sock.write(b"\xc0\0") def publish(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0): pkt = bytearray(b"\x30\0\0\0") pkt[0] |= qos << 1 | retain sz = 2 + len(topic) + len(msg) if qos > 0: sz += 2 assert sz < 2097152 i = 1 while sz > 0x7f: pkt[i] = (sz & 0x7f) | 0x80 sz >>= 7 i += 1 pkt[i] = sz #print(hex(len(pkt)), hexlify(pkt, ":")) self.sock.write(pkt, i + 1) self._send_str(topic) if qos > 0: += 1 pid = struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 0, pid) self.sock.write(pkt, 2) self.sock.write(msg) if qos == 1: while 1: op = self.wait_msg() if op == 0x40: sz = assert sz == b"\x02" rcv_pid = rcv_pid = rcv_pid[0] << 8 | rcv_pid[1] if pid == rcv_pid: return elif qos == 2: assert 0 def subscribe(self, topic, qos=0): assert self.cb is not None, "Subscribe callback is not set" pkt = bytearray(b"\x82\0\0\0") += 1 struct.pack_into("!BH", pkt, 1, 2 + 2 + len(topic) + 1, #print(hex(len(pkt)), hexlify(pkt, ":")) self.sock.write(pkt) self._send_str(topic) self.sock.write(qos.to_bytes(1, "little")) while 1: op = self.wait_msg() if op == 0x90: resp = #print(resp) assert resp[1] == pkt[2] and resp[2] == pkt[3] if resp[3] == 0x80: raise MQTTException(resp[3]) return # Wait for a single incoming MQTT message and process it. # Subscribed messages are delivered to a callback previously # set by .set_callback() method. Other (internal) MQTT # messages processed internally. def wait_msg(self): res = self.sock.setblocking(True) print(res) if res is None: return None if res == b"": raise OSError(-1) if res == b"\xd0": # PINGRESP sz =[0] assert sz == 0 return None op = res[0] if op & 0xf0 != 0x30: return op sz = self._recv_len() topic_len = topic_len = (topic_len[0] << 8) | topic_len[1] topic = sz -= topic_len + 2 if op & 6: pid = pid = pid[0] << 8 | pid[1] sz -= 2 msg = self.cb(topic, msg) if op & 6 == 2: pkt = bytearray(b"\x40\x02\0\0") struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 2, pid) self.sock.write(pkt) elif op & 6 == 4: assert 0 # Checks whether a pending message from server is available. # If not, returns immediately with None. Otherwise, does # the same processing as wait_msg. def check_msg(self): self.sock.setblocking(False) return self.wait_msg()
What is your full code (excluding sensitive details)?
Also can you post the result of?
import os os.uname()