What's up with sigfox in the github repository name?
Is there any reason, and what would it be then, why you switched the Github repository name from pycom-micropython to pycom-micropython-sigfox, with the notice "DO NOT USE - THIS IN AN OLD VERSION. Use pycom-micropython-sigfox instead."?
I mean, why isn't it pycom-micropython-sigfox-lora or maybe micropython-sigfox-lora-wifi-ble, or maybe even micropython-sigfox-lora-wifi-ble-with-an-esp32-as-the-great-mcu-to-rule-them-all?Thanks! (-;
@jmarcelino you could have pushed the sigfox binaries to a separate branch (without history) and then made that branch the default branch. that way you wouldn't have broken anyone's git remote or pull requests while still hiding the history :)
@jmarcelino thanks! That makes sense now. I could see sigfox binaries in the repo and understand now the reason for that.
See https://forum.pycom.io/topic/930/new-firmware-release-1-6-9-b1-frozen-code-support-and-framebuf
“There's no history in order to avoid making the closed source files from Sigfox public”
But why forking the entire repository and not just committing the addition of the new Sigfox library?
Because the previous version didn’t support sigfox