Cannot import name Sigfox
I have just recieved my FiPy and excited to get started...
When i try register my device on Sigfox, using the example code from I get the attached error.
I have import network manually, but this doesnt help. I had similar issues with the LoPy which a firmware update fixed, but looking at the sticky in this category, I dont want to try it.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
On a separate note, will there be examples on how to use both Sigfox and LoRa on in the same project?
This post is deleted!
@pymiom @mbartecki I got the new public firmware supporting Sigfox, by updating the device this morning! Enjoy guys :)
Thank you @jmarcelino
Hi @helmiromdhani
You cannot enable Sigfox on a custom firmware image. Please wait for the public release.
@mbartecki it looks like Sigfox is not yet enabled on the public firmware. I think the solution is to wait for a public firmware update that enables Sigfox. The other solution is to go for compiling yourself the firmware enabling Sigfox (This is unsafe, because we have not the final confirmation of Pycom that Sigfox can be enabled on FiPy, it may damage your hardware)
I have the same issue on my FiPy. Is Sigfox avaliable on FiPy now?
I've made fresh update now and still I'm getting error:File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name Sigfox
Any update on when we might see SigFox support on the FiPy?
Hi All !
I am facing the same issue as mentionned by @pymiom . Is there any new information about new public firmware release that will support Sigfox?
@pymiom It’s been released about 2 hours ago. Let us know how it works for you.
Update: Sorry just realised Sigfox still isn’t in today’s update but should come very soon.
Thanks for the reply.
A difficult question I know, but any idea when it will be released? :)
Hi @pymiom,
Sigfox is also undergoing validation. It's working internally in our test boards and we'll enable it soon on the public firmware release.
We wanted to get the hardware onto your hands before Xmas as it gets harder to ship after that. In the meantime you can play with LoRa, WiFi and Bluetooth.
Thank you for your patience