Lopy1/Pymakr connection works on WiFi, but not on USB
I'm trying to establish a connection between Atom(v1.23.3)/PyMakr(v1.2.7) through USB to a LoPy1 (extension board 2.1) whose firmware was updated using the provided tool, console becomes frozen at "Connecting on /dev/ttyUSB0" and is not usable afterwards. However, connecting to the LoPy through WiFi work as expected. My OS is Ubuntu 16.04.
Is there any reason why USB wouldn't work while WiFi does? Any advice to help me make the USB connection work?
@robert-hh Thank you, that worked perfectly.
@npreda It could be an access right problem for the USB port. Add your user name to the "dialout" group, with:
sudo addgroup <your_user_name> dialout
and restart your computer.