Not getting Sensor Readings in Pysense with FiPy Module
recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[1] is this declaration correct in gateway code.
in documentation gateway line 26 is empty...
You have some modification which i do no see ;-)
I used the codes from provided pycom documentation. Here are the links of the code
WIthout the code i can only gues that you try to send to big data throught Lora. It is very limited. Check how much data is really sending.
We are trying to run the LoRa Nano Gateway code provided in the pycom documentation. We are using three PC's and three fipy boards. In one pc we are running the , second we are running and in third pc we are running the codes. But we are getting an error in code in Line 26 i,e buffer too small. Is the procedure we are doing is correct? Please reply us soon as possible. Its urgent
Thank You
We are trying to run the LoRa Nano Gateway code provided in the pycom documentation. We are using three PC's and three fipy boards. In one pc we are running the , second we are running and in third pc we are running the codes. But we are getting an error in code in Line 26 i,e buffer too small. Is the procedure we are doing is correct? Please reply us soon as possible.
Thank You
@archana-kadam said in Not getting Sensor Readings in Pysense with FiPy Module:
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
check if you do not mix indentation as tab and space
PS. use forum formating e.g. triple ``` around the code
@livius said in Not getting Sensor Readings in Pysense with FiPy Module:
from network import WLAN
import machine
import socket
wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', '')) - you can ommit this line if you need to connect by DHCP
wlan.connect(ssid=‘SK@unifi’, auth=(WLAN.WPA2, '********'), timeout=30000)
while not wlan.isconnected():
machine.idle()if wlan.isconnected():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print(str(socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)))
print(str(socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1])) #IP of your computer( in the same network as your Fipy and port(80) of socket in listen mode on your computer
#your_data = "Hello"
Here is and code and we are getting the same errors i,eTraceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 14
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation levelMicroPython v1.8.6-849-055728a on 2018-02-13; FiPy with ESP32
Type "help()" for more information.
@archana-kadam said in Not getting Sensor Readings in Pysense with FiPy Module:
strange because line 15 is just comment line
add this lines before socket connect
print(str(socket.getaddrinfo('', 80))) print(str(socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]))
and put result here
Here is code which im using to connect to the server.from network import WLAN import machine import socket wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) # wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', '')) - you can ommit this line if you need to connect by DHCP wlan.connect(ssid='ssid...', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'passs...'), timeout=30000) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() if wlan.isconnected(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]) #IP of your computer( in the same network as your Fipy and port(80) of socket in listen mode on your computer #your_data = "Hello" s.send("your_data")
Yes i have the same IP address and the port is 80. By using the same code im getting an error is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 15, in <module>
OSError: -1
Quite impossible on line 15 where you store text (connect to your device by ftp and look like your file really is)but do you have host
and especially do you have something which listen on that host on port2345
Yes i re-uploaded the modified file.
Earlier it was #your_data = "Hello"
@archana-kadam are you sure you correctly re-uploaded the modified file?
I will attach the screenshot and i have highlighted the error line.
OSError -1
@archana-kadam and the error is...?
I removed line 13 "s = socket.socket()" but also im getting an error in line number 15
i,e #your_data = "hello"
remove line 13s = socket.socket()
P.S> i have blurred your password on the screenshot
We have successfully connected to the server by the given code, but we are getting an error in line number 14, im sending the screenshot please go through the file
with default modeAP
you must connect your computer to Fipy.
In modeSTA
you connect your Fipy to computer (most often through router)
After you are connected to the network (local) you can communicate between computer and Fipy.from network import WLAN import socket wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) # wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', '')) - you can ommit this line if you need to connect by DHCP wlan.connect(ssid='mynetwork', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'my_network_key'), timeout=30000) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() if wlan.isconnected(): s = socket.socket() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket.getaddrinfo('', 2345)[0][-1]) #IP of your computer( in the same network as your Fipy and port(2345) of socket in listen mode on your computer your_data = "Hello" s.send("your_data")
remember that you must have something listen on incoming traffic on your computer then.