Import Custom Library

  • Greetings,

    I am using a LoPy with atom, and I am having some issues with using a custom library file. I'm still a bit unfamiliar with how files are linked in Python. I am using tcs34725 from adafruit and there is some documentation on GitHub that I would like to use. I copied the "header" type file and included it in my project folder with the code. When I run the code it cannot find the module. When I download it onto the chip and place this file into the "lib" section I get errors. See images below...


    import time
    import ustruct
    #const = lambda x:x
    _COMMAND_BIT = const(0x80)
    _REGISTER_ENABLE = const(0x00)
    _REGISTER_ATIME = const(0x01)
    _REGISTER_AILT = const(0x04)
    _REGISTER_AIHT = const(0x06)
    _REGISTER_ID = const(0x12)
    _REGISTER_APERS = const(0x0c)
    _REGISTER_CONTROL = const(0x0f)
    _REGISTER_SENSORID = const(0x12)
    _REGISTER_STATUS = const(0x13)
    _REGISTER_CDATA = const(0x14)
    _REGISTER_RDATA = const(0x16)
    _REGISTER_GDATA = const(0x18)
    _REGISTER_BDATA = const(0x1a)
    _ENABLE_AIEN = const(0x10)
    _ENABLE_WEN = const(0x08)
    _ENABLE_AEN = const(0x02)
    _ENABLE_PON = const(0x01)
    _GAINS = (1, 4, 16, 60)
    _CYCLES = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60)
    class TCS34725:
        def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x29):
            self.i2c = i2c
            self.address = address
            self._active = False
            sensor_id = self.sensor_id()
            if sensor_id not in (0x44, 0x10):
                raise RuntimeError("wrong sensor id 0x{:x}".format(sensor_id))
        def _register8(self, register, value=None):
            register |= _COMMAND_BIT
            if value is None:
                return self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, register, 1)[0]
            data = ustruct.pack('<B', value)
            self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, register, data)
        def _register16(self, register, value=None):
            register |= _COMMAND_BIT
            if value is None:
                data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, register, 2)
                return ustruct.unpack('<H', data)[0]
            data = ustruct.pack('<H', value)
            self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, register, data)
        def active(self, value=None):
            if value is None:
                return self._active
            value = bool(value)
            if self._active == value:
            self._active = value
            enable = self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE)
            if value:
                self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE, enable | _ENABLE_PON)
                    enable | _ENABLE_PON | _ENABLE_AEN)
                    enable & ~(_ENABLE_PON | _ENABLE_AEN))
        def sensor_id(self):
            return self._register8(_REGISTER_SENSORID)
        def integration_time(self, value=None):
            if value is None:
                return self._integration_time
            value = min(614.4, max(2.4, value))
            cycles = int(value / 2.4)
            self._integration_time = cycles * 2.4
            return self._register8(_REGISTER_ATIME, 256 - cycles)
        def gain(self, value):
            if value is None:
                return _GAINS[self._register8(_REGISTER_CONTROL)]
            if value not in _GAINS:
                raise ValueError("gain must be 1, 4, 16 or 60")
            return self._register8(_REGISTER_CONTROL, _GAINS.index(value))
        def _valid(self):
            return bool(self._register8(_REGISTER_STATUS) & 0x01)
        def read(self, raw=False):
            was_active =
            while not self._valid():
                time.sleep_ms(int(self._integration_time + 0.9))
            data = tuple(self._register16(register) for register in (
            if raw:
                return data
            return self._temperature_and_lux(data)
        def _temperature_and_lux(self, data):
            r, g, b, c = data
            x = -0.14282 * r + 1.54924 * g + -0.95641 * b
            y = -0.32466 * r + 1.57837 * g + -0.73191 * b
            z = -0.68202 * r + 0.77073 * g +  0.56332 * b
            d = x + y + z
            n = (x / d - 0.3320) / (0.1858 - y / d)
            cct = 449.0 * n**3 + 3525.0 * n**2 + 6823.3 * n + 5520.33
            return cct, y
        def threshold(self, cycles=None, min_value=None, max_value=None):
            if cycles is None and min_value is None and max_value is None:
                min_value = self._register16(_REGISTER_AILT)
                max_value = self._register16(_REGISTER_AILT)
                if self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE) & _ENABLE_AIEN:
                    cycles = _CYCLES[self._register8(_REGISTER_APERS) & 0x0f]
                    cycles = -1
                return cycles, min_value, max_value
            if min_value is not None:
                self._register16(_REGISTER_AILT, min_value)
            if max_value is not None:
                self._register16(_REGISTER_AIHT, max_value)
            if cycles is not None:
                enable = self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE)
                if cycles == -1:
                    self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE, enable & ~(_ENABLE_AIEN))
                    self._register8(_REGISTER_ENABLE, enable | _ENABLE_AIEN)
                    if cycles not in _CYCLES:
                        raise ValueError("invalid persistence cycles")
                    self._register8(_REGISTER_APERS, _CYCLES.index(cycles))
        def interrupt(self, value=None):
            if value is None:
                return bool(self._register8(_REGISTER_STATUS) & _ENABLE_AIEN)
            if value:
                raise ValueError("interrupt can only be cleared")
            self.i2c.writeto(self.address, b'\xe6')
    def html_rgb(data):
        r, g, b, c = data
        red = pow((int((r/c) * 256) / 255), 2.5) * 255
        green = pow((int((g/c) * 256) / 255), 2.5) * 255
        blue = pow((int((b/c) * 256) / 255), 2.5) * 255
        return red, green, blue
    def html_hex(data):
        r, g, b = html_rgb(data)
        return "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}".format(int(r),

    Here's the link...


  • @dan

    I understand that and get this error when I flash it, but I would also like it to link in Atom so I can build and run it right away without having to flash it.

  • Hi @Burgeh

    You need to place the in a folder called lib

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