Socket errors
i'm trying to use sockets to connect two pycom via wifi, in the server socket the server binds, listens and waits for accepts in port 21. The problem is the client socket, I connect the client pycom to the server pycom (it works) and then i get the information via wlan.getaddrinfo(), then i create the socket and i use socket.connect((gateway, port)), gateway = given gateway by getaddrinfo(), port = 21. The error that appears is type OSError and the argument that gives is "-1".
Also, sometimes the ifconfig() that the clients uses returns ip.
Any idea of what i am doing wrong?
client code:import pycom import network from network import WLAN import socket import utime def exists(name): try: fich = open(name) fich.close() return True except: return False def sendInfo(ssidN): try: if(exists("registro.txt")): print("______START______") wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) nets = wlan.scan() for net in nets: if(net.ssid == ssidN): wlan.connect(ssid=net[0], auth=(net[2],"witeklab@2018"),bssid=net[1]) pycom.rgbled(0x0F0F0F) break else: raise Exception("La red", ssidName, "no ha sido encontrada") while not wlan.isconnected(): pass print("Conexion establecida") ip, subnet, gateway, dns = wlan.ifconfig() print(wlan.ifconfig()) ##PUERTO DE CONEXION port = 80 pycom.rgbled(0x0f0f00) fam, type1, proto, oem, asdf = socket.getaddrinfo(gateway, port)[0] sock = socket.socket() print("conectando socket a -> (",gateway, ",", port,")") sock.connect((gateway,port)) utime.sleep(1) print("socket conectado") pycom.rgbled(0x000f05) op = "registro.txt" with open(op,"rb") as f: datos = sock.write(datos) sock.close() wlan.disconnect() print("Datos enviados") except Exception as e: if isinstance(e,OSError) and sock: sock.close() print("Error en initWlan: ", type(e), e) pycom.heartbeat(False) sendInfo("Gateway 001") pycom.heartbeat(True)