Can we use any end device with the LoPy nanogateway?
I connected my nanogatewya to TTN but I can’t send data using my ExploRer board. This got me wondering, is it even possible to use anything but a LoPy as an end device for this Nanogateway to revive data?
Can we use any end device with the LoPy nanogateway?
@suad_m5 As a LoPy (and hence a nano gateway) can only listen on one channel at a time, it is not LoRaWAN compliant, and only devices that are configured to use that single channel will be supported. It is not a generic gateway, it's just a tool to make quick tests without a real gateway around.
This does not mean only LoPys can be used. If you can configure your device to only use the channel you configured on your nano gateway, it should work. This is however not possible on many devices.